=========================================================================== =========================================================================== Advisory: 2004-betaNC-001 Affected Software: Nuke Cops betaNC PHP-Nuke Bundle w/ PHPNuke 6.5 and later Affected Versions: all cvs versions Main Developer: Paul Laudanski Computer Cops (http://www.computercops.biz) NukeCops (http://www.nukecops.com/) Module Developers: See credits section below Description: ----------- betaNC PHP-Nuke Bundle is a fork of PhpNuke which has been customized with some additional functionality and corrective code to eliminate user reported software bugs. Created in mid-2003, this open source portal software is maintained by the "official" PhpNuke developers at NukeCops (http://www.nukecops.com/). Vulnerability: ------------- PhpNuke's software is a major component in this project thus it suffers from the same security weakness as its parent. In an effort to secure files from being directly accessed by outside visitors, developers added a simple security checking mechanism. If the checker evaluates to false, the remaining code inside the file is executed. If it evaluates to true, the script aborts or the visitor is redirected to another page. The process consists of capturing the currently executing script's path and filename with the global variable $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. Using PHP's built-in function eregi(), this value is then compared against the script's name which should be the sole access point. Example: if (!eregi("admin.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die ("Access Denied"); } In this example, a file with the above snippet will continue executing if it was accessed by another file containing the letters "admin.php" (without quotes) otherwise the script aborts returning the words "Access Denied". Using eregi() with the NOT logical operator as done by the developers is a very poor way to control file access because anyone can easily manipulate a URL and add the missing component thereby forcing the security check to always evaluate to false and gain unfettered entry. Exploitation Example: --------------------- http://www.domain.com/admin/modules/blocks.php/admin.php Impact: ------ In the majority of cases here, exploition of this vulnerability will display full path disclosure and not continue further code execution where intrusion or damage might occur. In a much smaller number of cases, the code may continue executing and possibly allow outsiders unwanted access to some restricted areas on the site. Those who have setup their servers to look in the main directory when a file is not located in the current one may see a higher percentage of unwanted access and a lower percentage of full path disclosures than others. betaNC's code was not analyzed on whether additional vulnerabilities are possible due to this security weakness. However, files where potential SQL injections might occur are flagged below. Affected Files: -------------- Although an effort was made to identify all affected files (~160 total of which ~28 have no security check), we leave it up to the developers/users to do their own verification to ensure no files were inadvertently missed. Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.adminfaq.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.authors.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.backup.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.banners.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.blocks.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.comments.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.content.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.download.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.encyclopedia.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.ephemerids.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.forums.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.groups.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.links.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.messages.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.modules.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.newsletter.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.optimize.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.polls.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.referers.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.reviews.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.sections.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.settings.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.stories.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.topics.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.tracking.php Note 1 --> /admin/case/case.users.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.addstory.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.backup.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.banners.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.blocks.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.content.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.download.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.editadmins.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.editusers.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.encyclopedia.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.ephemerids.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.faq.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.forums.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.groups.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.httpreferers.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.messages.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.modules.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.newsletter.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.optimize.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.reviews.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.sections.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.settings.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.submissions.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.surveys.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.topics.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.tracking.php Note 2 --> /admin/links/links.weblinks.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/adminfaq.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/authors.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/backup.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/banners.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/blocks.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/comments.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/content.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/download.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/encyclopedia.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/ephemerids.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/forums.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/groups.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/links.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/messages.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/modules.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/newsletter.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/optimize.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/polls.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/referers.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/reviews.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/sections.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/settings.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/stories.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/topics.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/tracking.php Note 3 --> /admin/modules/users.php Note 4 --> /db/db.php Note 1 --> /modules/AvantGo/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/AvantGo/print.php Note 1 --> /modules/Bookmarks/del_cat.php Note 1 --> /modules/Bookmarks/del_mark.php Note 5 --> /modules/Bookmarks/edit_cat.php Note 5 --> /modules/Bookmarks/edit_mark.php Note 1 --> /modules/Bookmarks/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Bookmarks/marks.php Note 5 --> /modules/Bookmarks/uploadbookmarks.php Note 1 --> /modules/Content/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Downloads/index.php Note 6 --> /modules/Downloads/voteinclude.php Note 1 --> /modules/Encyclopedia/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Encyclopedia/search.php Note 1 --> /modules/FAQ/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Feedback/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/buddylist.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/faq.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/groupcp.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/ignore.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/login.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/modcp.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/nukebb.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/posting.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/profile.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/ranks.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/search.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/staff.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/topics.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/viewforum.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/viewonline.php Note 1 --> /modules/Forums/viewtopic.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/add.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/comment.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/commentkill.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/commentsave.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/delete.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/deleteyes.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/display.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/edit.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/friend.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/functions.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/modify.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/savenew.php Note 1 --> /modules/Journal/search.php Note 1 --> /modules/Members_List/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/allindex.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/article.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/associates.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/categories.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/comments.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/friend.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/News/print.php Note 3 --> /modules/Private_Messages/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Recommend_Us/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Resend_Email/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Reviews/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Search/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Sections/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Statistics/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Stories_Archive/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Submit_News/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Surveys/comments.php Note 1 --> /modules/Surveys/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Top/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Topics/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/index.php Note 6 --> /modules/Web_Links/voteinclude.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/class.rc4crypt.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/compose.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/inbox.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/index.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/mailheader.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/nlmail.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/readmail.php Note 1 --> /modules/Web_Links/settings.php Note 1 --> /modules/Your_Account/index.php Note 2 --> /modules/Your_Account/navbar.php Note 1: Vulnerabilty: Full path disclosure for servers not setup to check the main directory when a file is not located in the current directory otherwise the rest of the code is executed. Note 2: Vulnerability: Full path disclosure. File has no security check. Note 3: Vulnerability: Full path disclosure. Possibility of SQL injection IF the database abstraction layer can be executed while accessing this file. Note 4: Vulnerabilty: Full path disclosure or the code can be made to execute passing in proper variable values. File has no security check. Note 5: Vulnerabilty: Full path disclosure. Note 6: Vulnerabilty: Full path disclosure for servers not setup to check the main directory when a file is not located in the current directory otherwise the rest of the code is executed. File has no security check. Credits -- Module Developers: ---------------------------- Admin FAQ/Authors/AvantGo/Backup/Banners/Blocks/Comments/Content/ Download/Encyclopedia/Ephemerids/Groups/Links/Messages/Modules/ News/Newsletter/Polls/Recommend Us/Referers/Reviews/Search/Sections/ Settings/Statistics/Stories/Stories Archive/Submit News/Surveys/Top/ Topics/Users/Web Links: - Francisco Burzi (http://www.phpnuke.org) - chatserv (http://www.nukefixes.com) (http://www.nukeresources.com) Bookmarks/Journal/News/Tracking: - Paul Laudanski and his team from Computer Cops (http://www.computercops.biz) and NukeCops (http://www.nukecops.com/) "Official" PhpNuke Developers Admin FAQ: - Richard Tirtadji AKA King Richard (http://www.nukeaddon.com) - Hutdik Hermawan AKA hotFix (http://www.nukeaddon.com) AvantGo: - Tim Litwiller (http://linux.made-to-order.net) Backup: - Thomas Rudant (http://www.grunk.net) (http://www.securite-internet.org) Bookmarks: - David Moulton (http://www.themoultons.net) Comments: - Oleg [Dark Pastor] Martos (http://www.rolemancer.ru) Forums/Members List/Private Messages (PHPBB2 forums code ported to PHPNuke): - The phpBB Group (http://www.phpbb.com) - Tom Nitzschner (http://bbtonuke.sourceforge.net) (http://www.toms-home.com) - Paul Laudanski and his team from Computer Cops (http://www.computercops.biz) and NukeCops (http://www.nukecops.com/) "Official" PhpNuke Developers - chatserv (http://www.nukefixes.com) (http://www.nukeresources.com) Journal: - Joseph Howard (Member's Journal) - Trevor Scott (Atomic Journal) Links: - James Knickelbein (http://www.journeymilwaukee.com) Optimize: - Xavier JULIE (http://www.securite-internet.org) - chatserv (http://www.nukefixes.com) (http://www.nukeresources.com) Resend Email: - Gaylen Fraley (http://gaylenandmargie.com/phpwebsite) Reviews: - Jeff Lambert (http://www.qchc.com) Statistics: - Harry Mangindaan (http://www.nuketest.com) - Sudirman (http://www.nuketest.com) Tracking: - WebStyle (http://www.wstyle.org) Web Links: - James Knickelbein (http://www.journeymilwaukee.com) WebMail: - Sivaprasad R.L (http://netlogger.net) - Don Grabowski (http://ecomjunk.com) - Akan Nkweini (http://www.p3mail.com) - Leo West Your Account: - Francisco Burzi (http://www.phpnuke.org) =========================================================================== ===========================================================================