Novell Technical Information Document *VPN server abend in IKE.NLM when striker ISAKMP/VPN vulnerability tool executed* - TID*10093576* (last modified 12JUL2004) 10093576 10093576 10093576 fact Novell BorderManager 3.8 BorderManager Support Pack 1 (bm38sp1.exe) applied VPN services enabled VPN services running in ISAKMP mode VPN site to site configured VPN client to site configured Cert Vulnerability Note CERT VU#493790 tests carried out symptom VPN server abend in IKE.NLM when striker ISAKMP/VPN vulnerability tool executed on VPN server VPN client hangs when striker ISAKMP/VPN vulnerability tool executed on VPN server BorderManager VPN server prone to Cert Vulnerability Note CERT VU#493790 fix Apply bm38sp2a.exe *Document Title:* VPN server abend in IKE.NLM when striker *Document ID:* 10093576 *Solution ID:* NOVL97808 *Creation Date:* 12JUL2004 *Modified Date:* 12JUL2004 *Novell Product Class:* Novell BorderManager Services *Disclaimer* The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information. Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.