============================================================== SEC-CONSULT Security Advisory PHP - 4.3.9 unserialize function ======================OOOOOOOOOOOO============================ Product: PHP 4.3.9 (Win32/Unix) Remarks: no other Versions tested but very likely vulnerable Vulnerablities: - Data Segment memory corruption - Information disclosure / Memory dumping Vendor: PHP (http://www.php.net/) Vendor-Status: vendor contacted (19.11.2004) Vendor-Patchs: vendor has released bugfixed versions Object: --- Exploitable: Local: --- Remote: PARTIAL (OS-dependent) ============ Introduction ============ Visit "http://www.php.net" for additional information. ===================== Vulnerability Details ===================== 1) Memory Corruption / buffer overflow ====================================== FUNCTION: unserialize (http://at.php.net/manual/en/function.unserialize.php) DESCRIPTION: Insufficient input validation of serialized strings lead to memory corruption and information disclosre. EXAMPLE script - "Segfault": ---cut here--- ---cut here--- REMARKS: leads to arbitrary code execution and file/information disclosure. EXAMPLE script - "Memory Dump": ---cut here--- userinput */ $c = 's:30000:"crap";'; $userdata = unserialize($c); // // check $userdata stuff // for some reason output $userdata print $userdata . "\n is NOT valid !!\n"; // stuff ?> ---cut here--- REMARKS: Could theoretically be used to circumvent safe-mode and/or gain sensitive information about script- and memory areas. =============== GENERAL REMARKS =============== We would like to apologize in advance for potential nonconformities and/or known issues. ========================================================================================================================= FOR SOME STRANGE REASONS HARDENED-PHP.NET HAS RELEASED THIS ADVISORY TODAY TOGETHER WITH A BUNCH OF OTHER VULNERABILITIES ========================================================================================================================= ==================== Recommended Hotfixes ==================== Vendor-Patches: vendor has released bugfixed versions ======= Contact ======= SEC-CONSULT Austria / EUROPE m.eiszner@sec-consult.com EOF Martin Eiszner / @2004m.eiszner@sec-consult.com