Winamp 5.07 (latest version) Remote Crash. + vuln to cause 100% cpu usage. 13/12/04 I. BACKGROUND Winamp is a very popular windows audio and video player. It also has alot of other features and is used by millions of people across the world. II. DESCRIPTION VULN 1. There is a vuln in winamp's handling of .mp4 and .m4a files. Which when exploited can remotly crash the victims winamp. The vuln lies in the .mp4 tagging system which winamp uses.If you use winamps built in feature to edit the tags on .mp4 or .m4a files and insert any data in there the next time the file is opened it will instantly crash winamp. now how to crash it remotly. if we create a .pls file contaning the data [playlist] numberofentries=5 File1= Title1= Length5=-1 Version=2 and make a html page containing an iframe linking to the .pls like.