~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application: Internet Explorer Vendors: http://www.microsoft.com Versions: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158 Patched With: SP2; Platforms: Windows Bug: Remote File Download Information Bar Bypass Exploitation: Remote with browser Date: 13 Jan 2005 Author: Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider e-mail: the_insider@mail.com web: http://theinsider.deep-ice.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Introduction 2) Bugs 3) The Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============== 1) Introduction =============== Internet Explorer is currently the most common internet browser in the world. Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 was designed to block any file download by an information bar which must be clicked and selected with "Download File". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====== 2) Bug ====== While trying to download a file Microsoft Internet Explorer the user gets the information bar. The information bar mechanism blocks/catches all references to download-able files, even through javascripts and HTML Event properties. However Microsoft's Internet Explorer (SP2) DOES NOT CATCH "body" tag with the HTML "onclick" event which dynamically created "iframe" tags. For a good, more complicated dynamic object creation i used the "createElement" function. This way an attacker can make a user download a file with him just clicking anywhere on the page (not on an hyperlink). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =========== 3) The Code =========== Paste into an htm/html file and add "<" at the begining of each line: ------------------------ cut here -------------------------------------- !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> !-- saved from url=(0031)http://theinsider.deep-ice.com/ --> HTML>