Macromedia Coldfusion MX 7.0 Security Advisory 21 April 2005 Remote Vulnerabilities in Macromedia ColdFusion cfm files Synopsis: Dr_insane has discovered some remote vulnerabilities in Macromedia ColdFusion 7.0.ColdFusion is an enterprise application used to develop, maintain, administer, and deliver Web sites on the Internet.The vulnerabilities allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of a vulnerable site as well as to perform some denial of service attacks. Affected Systems: ColdFusion Server for Windows 7.0 Description: Three years ago a similar vulnerability had surfaced in ColdFusion Server version The problem was that Macromedia's ColdFusion MX comes with a default 404 error page.This 404 error page presents the path of the file requested, and was not filtering it for hazardous characters, which could be used for a cross site scripting attack. eg. http://CF_MX_SERVER/.cfm This bug has been fixed in version 7.0 but it is still possible using some malformed url to conduct such kind of attacks. This time in order to perform the attack you must request from the server a non-existence CFM file following by a %00 and the script code you want to execute. Examples:{background:url("javascript:alert('XSS')")} Another variation of the above is: it seems that that the "three years ago bug" has not fully fixed..... --- In addition to this another possible vulnerability found that may allow an attacker who can upload files to a Coldfusion server to perform some denial of service attacks. By uploading a cfm file with arbitary content of 3 Mb about and run it CPU usage will hit 100% for some minutes. A similar vulnerability have been found some time ago it was fixed. Tha exploitation code for that vulnerabity was and : **Start of code** #the_date# **End of code** Credit: Dr_insane