--Alt-Boundary-201.11737377 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-description: Mail message body Hackers Center Security Group (http://www.hackerscenter.com/) Zinho's Security Advisory Title: MaxWebPortal 1.33 XSS and Sql injection Risk: High Date: 31/03/2005 Vendor: Max Web portal http://www.maxwebportal.com --- Let's begin with the Xss. in page: links_add_form.asp anyone can provide a banner url such as: javascript:alert(document.cookie) and cause a session cookie stealing. This is a high risk vuln because a malicious hacker can steal session cookie stealthly by crafting a proper un-detected script. Workaround: htmlencode of the input would be a starting point but not enough. A deep input sanitization is required. (banner_url parameter is supposed to be a remote url. Why not to check if it is a valid url?) ---- Sql Injection: A full Sql injection is possible due to an input validation error in function Update_Events in page events_functions.page. Parameter EVENT_ID passed wih POST is not properly validated and anyone can issue a POST with crafted params to inject sql or just change all the values of the table PORTAL_EVENTS. Workaround: in events_functions.asp line 192 replace chkstring(Request.Form("EVENT_ID"), "message") with // if isnumber(Request.Form("EVENT_ID")) then event_id=clng(Request.Form("EVENT_ID")) else response.end // Full Exploit here: http://www.hackerscenter.com/archive/view.asp?id=1807 Probably Max Web Portal 1.33 is affected by other security issues. Vendor's site seems to be down and contacting them seems to be impossible. Author: Zinho is webmaster and founder of http://www.hackerscenter.com , Security research portal Secure Web Hosting Companies Reviewed: http://www.securityforge.com/web-hosting/secure-web-hosting.asp zinho-no-spam @ hackerscenter.com ====> Webmaster of .:[ Hackers Center : Internet Security Portal]:. http://www.hackerscenter.com http://www.securityforge.com/web-hosting --Alt-Boundary-201.11737377 Content-type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-description: Mail message body
Hackers Center Security Group (http://www.hackerscenter.com/) 
Zinho's Security Advisory  

Title: MaxWebPortal 1.33  XSS and Sql injection
Risk: High
Date: 31/03/2005 
Vendor: Max Web portal http://www.maxwebportal.com

---  Let's begin with the Xss.
in page: links_add_form.asp anyone can provide a banner url such as: javascript:alert(document.cookie) and cause a session cookie stealing. This is a high risk vuln because a malicious hacker can steal session cookie stealthly by crafting a proper un-detected script.
Workaround: htmlencode of the input would be a starting point but not enough. A deep input sanitization is required. (banner_url parameter is supposed to be a remote url. Why not to check if it is a valid url?)

----  Sql Injection:
A full Sql injection is possible due to an input validation error in function Update_Events in page events_functions.page. Parameter EVENT_ID passed wih POST is not properly validated and anyone can issue a POST with crafted params to inject sql or just change all the values of the table PORTAL_EVENTS.

Workaround: in events_functions.asp line 192 replace chkstring(Request.Form("EVENT_ID"), "message") with

if isnumber(Request.Form("EVENT_ID")) then
Full Exploit here:

Probably Max Web Portal 1.33 is affected by other security issues.
Vendor's site seems to be down and contacting them seems to be impossible.

Zinho is webmaster and founder of http://www.hackerscenter.com ,  Security research portal
Secure Web Hosting Companies Reviewed:

zinho-no-spam @ hackerscenter.com 

Webmaster of
.:[ Hackers Center : Internet Security Portal]:.
