################################################ OneWorldStore DisplayResults.asp sIDSearch Variable XSS and SQL Injection vendor url:http://oneworldstore.com/ vendor notified : yes exploit available: yes advisory:http://lostmon.blogspot.com/2005/04/ oneworldstore-sidsearch.html OSVDB ID: 15659 and 15660 ################################################ related vendorīs security bulletin: http://oneworldstore.com/support_security_issue_updates.asp Found during an internal test when documenting and testing latest vulnerabilities found by Diabolic Crab ( reference: http://www.digitalparadox.org/advisories/ows.txt) good work Diabolic !! oneWorldStore is a powerful desing asp shopping cart. oneWorldStore contains a flaw that allows a remote cross site scripting attack and sql inject comands.This flaw exists because the application does not validate 'sIDSearch' upon submission to the '/owSearch/DisplayResults.asp' script.This could allow a user to create a specially crafted URL that would execute arbitrary code in a user's browser within the trust relationship between the browser and the server, leading to a loss of integrity. ########## versions: ########## OneWorldStore unknow version some versions here: http://oneworldstore.com/products_price_list.asp also is posible what others versions are afected. ########## solution: ########## vendorīs fix/patch see : http://www.oneworldstore.com/ support_security_issue_updates.asp http://www.oneworldstore.com/support_updates.asp http://www.oneworldstore.com/updatezips/Security Update_Apr_18_2005_All_Editions.zip timeline: discovered : 15 april 2005 vendor notify : 18 april 2005 (web form) vendor response: 18 april 2005 vendor patch/fix: 18 april 2005 disclosure: 18 april 2005 #################### proof of concept: ################### SQL INJECTION: http://[victim]/owSearch/DisplayResults.asp?sIDSearch=15%20or%201=1 //command execution !! Cross-site scripting: http://[victim]/owSearch/DisplayResults.asp?sIDSearch=15 "> http://[victim]/owSearch/DisplayResults.asp?sIDSearch=1 ">