TOPo 2.2 multiple variable & fields XSS and information disclosure
vendor url:http://ej3soft.ej3.net/index.php?m=info&s=topo&t=info
advisore: http://lostmon.blogspot.com/2005/05/topo-22-multiple-variable-fields-xss.html
vendor notified: yes exploit available: yes.
TOPo is a free TOP system written in PHP that works
without MySQL database.TOPo is specially designed for
web sites hosted in web servers that not offer a
quality MySQL support.
TOPo contains a flaw that allows a remote cross site
scripting attack.This flaw exists because the application
does not validate 'm','s','ID','t' and possible other parameters
upon submission to the 'index.php'script.This could allow a user
to create a specially crafted URL that would execute arbitrary
code in a user's browser within the trust relationship between
the browser and the server,leading to a loss of integrity.
TOPo contains a flaw too that allow remote users to information disclosure.
all data are stored in '/data/' folder and all *.dat files store all votes ,
comments and other information about the site on top. Any user can download
this files and obtain all client ip address(all clients who are vote
or added a comment)
software use:
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] all fixes.
Internet explorer 6.0 sp1 all fixes.
Netcraft toolbar 1.5.6 ( detects all attacks XSS in this case :D)
Google toolbar
TOPo v2.2.178 vulnerable.
no solution was available at this time.
time line
discovered: 13 may 2005
vendor notify: 19 may 2005
vendor response:
vendor fix:
disclosure: 20 may 2005
Proof of concepts XSS
Wen try to added a new comment some fields are vulnerable to XSS style attacks.
field name vulnerable, Your web field vulnerable and your email field
are vulnerable.
example of js.js
Thnx to http://www.drorshalev.com for this script and for hosting it
for this demonstration.
function showIt(){
document.body.innerHTML="Your PC Can be
hacked Via "+ document.domain +" XSS ,Html Injection to a Web Site
"+document.domain +" By DrorShalev.com
"+ document.body.innerHTML
window.status="Your PC Can be hacked Via "+ document.domain +" XSS
,Html Injection to a Web Site "+document.domain +" By DrorShalev.com"
data disclosure
################ EnD #####################
thnx to estrella to be my ligth
thnx to all http://www.osvdb.org Team
Thnx to http://www.drorshalev.com and dror for his script and for
hosting it !!!!
thnx to all who day after day support me !!!
Lostmon (lostmon@gmail.com)
Web-Blog: http://lostmon.blogspot.com/
Data Mangler of: http://www.osvdb.org
La curiosidad es lo que hace mover la mente....