Red-Database-Security GmbH - Oracle Security Advisory Oracle Forms Insecure Temporary File Handling Name Oracle Forms Insecure Temporary File Handling Systems Affected Oracle Forms 4.5, 6.0, 6i, 9i Severity Medium Risk Category Information disclosure Vendor URL Author Alexander Kornbrust (ak at Date 13 July 2005 (V 1.00) Advisory AKSEC2003-006 Oracle Vuln# AS04 Time to fix 693 days Details ####### If the number of records in a Oracle Forms application retrieved from the database exceeds the parameter "buffered records" Oracle Forms will create a temp file located in the temp directory of the application server. This temp file contains an unencrypted copy of the database table used in the Forms application (e.g. creditcard). The default permission for these temp files (format: AAAa.TMP) is -rw-rw-r--. Every UNIX user on the application server can read the content of this file (e.g credit card information, ...). Example ####### ls -la /tmp -rw-rw-r-- 1 oracle oinstall 47600 Aug 17 20:30 AAAa15400.TMP Workaround ########## Set the environment variable TMP, TEMP and TMPDIR to a secure location. It depends on the OS of the application server what environment variable will be used. Delete old AAA* files on a regular basis. Patch Information ################## Apply patches for the application server mentioned in Metalink Note 311038 . History ####### 19-aug-2003 Oracle secalert_us was informed 20-aug-2003 Bug confirmed 12-jul-2005 Oracle published Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2005 13-jul-2005 Red-Database-Security published this advisory © 2005 by Red-Database-Security GmbH