~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product: PHPNews Version: 1.2.5 Release, bugfix 1.2.6 (and previous) URL: http://newsphp.sourceforge.net/ VULNERABILITY CLASS: SQL injection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] PHPNews is a popular script for news posting written in PHP (MySQL based). [VULNERABILITY] Vulnerable script: auth.php [code] else if(isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $in_user = $_POST['user']; // <-- not filtered $in_password = $_POST['password']; } $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'posters WHERE username = \'' . $in_user . '\' AND password = password(\'' . $in_password . '\')'); $dbQueries++; if(mysql_numrows($result) != 0) { $auth = true; $_SESSION['user'] = $in_user; $_SESSION['password'] = $in_password; } [/code] In case magic_quotes_gpc=0, an attacker can inject SQL statements through $_POST['user'] parameter. Example of exploitation: In the login form type "whatever' or '1'='1'/*" in the "Username" field and "whatever" in the "Password" field (without double quotes). Or just use "admin'/*" as username (where "admin" - is real login name of administrator). Possible scenario of attack. Attacker can: [1] log in admin panel, using SQL injection [2] upload PHP file through "Upload Images" function (index.php?action=images) and have fun with php shell or edit template (index.php?action=modtemp) and put backdoor code into it. [Bugfix]: [code] $in_user = $_POST['user']; [/code] replace with: [code] if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$in_user=addslashes($_POST['user']);} else {$in_user = $_POST['user']; } [/code] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [CREDITS] RST/GHC http://www.ghc.ru http://rst.void.ru ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~