--Alt-Boundary-21084.11145145 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-description: Mail message body Hackers Center Security Group (http://www.hackerscenter.com/) Zinho's Security Advisory Desc: SQL Injection in Product Cart 2.6 Risk: Medium to High An SQL injection affects Product Cart 2.6. Database Manipulation is possible. viewPrd.asp?idcategory=' Vendor: http://www.earlyimpact.com/ "Our ecommerce software is used all over the world to build and manage professional Internet stores. As one of the most comprehensive ecommerce systems available today, ProductCart combines a long list of features with intuitive management tools that make it easy for anyone to build and manage their online storefront." ====> Webmaster of .:[ Hackers Center : Internet Security Portal]:. http://www.hackerscenter.com http://www.securityforge.com/web-hosting --Alt-Boundary-21084.11145145 Content-type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-description: Mail message body