------------------------------------------------------ Nightmare TeAmZ Advisory 011 ------------------------------------------------------ Date - 10/2005 Zomplog Multiple Vulnerability AFFECTED PRODUCTS ================= Zomplog http://zomplog.zomp.nl OVERVIEW ======== Zomplog is an easy to use weblog system, that works out-of-the-box, while staying very flexible in the way it can be applied. It supports all you would expect from a weblog-system: image upload, categories, comments, skins, language files (currently English, German, Dutch), search, BBcode editor, static pages, multiple users and an rss feed, while staying easy to use for anyone. Starting from version 3.0 Zomplog also has built-in support for moblogging: posting to your site through email or even your mobile phone! All weblog settings can be managed through a control-panel. The latest version turns your weblog into an audioblog and videoblog, supporting Quicktime video, Realplayer video, Windows Media Player video and mp3's! Mp3's can be streamed using the built-in flash mp3 player POC === Sql Injection Vulnerable Path: /detail.php?id=[SQL] /get.php?catid=[SQL] /index.php?show=1&catid=[SQL] Xss Vulnerable Path: /detail.php?name=[XSS] /get.php?username=[XSS] /index.php?search=[XSS] Html Injection Vulnerable Path: /detail.php?name=[HTML] /get.php?username=[HTML] /index.php?search=[HTML] Solution: ========= 1. Venditor Not Contacted Credits ======= This vulnerability was discovered and researched by BiPi_HaCk of Nightmare TeAmZ We're: BiPi_HaCk - r3d_4Ss4ult3r - Sub_Z3r0 Site: http://www.NightmareTeAmZ.altervista.org <--IT Security Forum _________________________________________________________________ Personalizza MSN Messenger con sfondi e fotografie! http://www.ilovemessenger.msn.it/