BID 14752 is not only an XSS vulnerability, the real problem is a directory
transversal flaw and affects Guppy versions less than 4.5.6a.
PoC (works for versions <4.5.4):
Explanation of the problem:
The code in printfaq.php <4.5.4 reads:
if ($pg!="") {
If you set $pg to "" you receive an error that
PHP can't include the file and the javascript gets executed. This assumes
register_globals and display_errors are enabled. You can also set $pg to:
"/../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00" and read the password file
provided register_globals is enabled and magic_quotes is disabled.
In the printfaq.php patch in versions 4.5.4 and 4.5.5 the code reads:
$pg = strip_tags($pg);
if ($pg!="" && file_exists(DBBASE.$pg.INCEXT)) {
strip_tags removes HTML and PHP tags from the string but does not affect
directory transversal sequences. $pg is also filtered with the following
die("Requte non autorise - Request not allowed");
This only filters GET requests you can still pass in a directory
transversal request through $pg via a POST or cookie.
Note that the flaw is only vulnerable in versions 4.5.4 and 4.5.5 under
EasyGuppy (Guppy for MS Windows) due to the fact that DBBASE is prepended to
$pg and DBBASE is set to "data/doc". FreeGuppy does not have any directories
under data/ (only data/doc*inc files).
The Guppy maintainer was contacted and released guppy v4.5.6a that fixes this flaw.