**Who's got the magic stick? It sure as hell ain't
**50 Cent.****************************************
Excuse me for posting again (within minutes) but I did not properly check the other forms.
In UCP.php, when editing your profile, in several fields you can inject code into the page, just as in the SendPm.php.
EX: Input table: "URL"
The reason we cannot just do alert("sometext"); here is because this time our input is filtered and the quotes have \'s before them (single or not).
All field areas (besides password) are useable. I could not try alias as the board would not allow me to do so.
Even the email field is vulnerable, so long as you put an email first (like dude@what.com'';!--").
In "User Options", signature or 'saying' are not vulnerable, but URL Avatar is.
comments - suggestions - questions - flames - r0xes at 7NA dot org