Advisory: NSAG-¹196-23.02.2006 Research: NSA Group [Russian company on Audit of safety & Network security] Site of Research: or Product: FCKeditor 2.2 Site of manufacturer: The status: 19/11/2005 - Publication is postponed. 19/11/2005 - Manufacturer is notified. 21/02/2006 - Answer of the manufacturer is absent. 21/02/2006 - Publication of vulnerability. Original Advisory: Risk: Critical Description: Detour of a filtration of expansions of files is possible. Influence: Loading of the forbidden files on target system. Exploit:
In the end of a name of a loaded file to put a symbol "."(dot) (an example: testfile.php.) As a result on a server the file testfile.php will be created Decision: The decision from the manufacturer is not known. Contact us and receive consultations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our company is the independent auditor of the software in market IT. At present independent audit of the software becomes the standard practice and we suggest to make a let out product as much as possible protected from a various sort of attacks of malefactors! «Nemesis» © 2006 ------------------------------------ Nemesis Security Audit Group © 2006.