=========================================================== MyBloggie: Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities =========================================================== Technical University of Vienna Security Advisory TUVSA-0603-002, March 9, 2006 =========================================================== Affected applications ---------------------- MyBloggie (mybloggie.mywebland.com) Versions 2.1.3 beta and prior. Description ------------ There are multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities which can be verified by using the following exploits (the user needs to be logged in). They are roughly sorted by entry points (i.e., the names of the files that have to be navigated). The vulnerabilities were discovered under the assumption that register_globals is on, and that magic_quotes_gpc is off. index.php ----------- - message.php, 602: - from delcomment.php, 48: http://localhost/mybloggie213beta/index.php?mode=delcom&confirmredirect="> - delcomment.php, 61 (2x):
directly injecting "script" tags via the "post_id" parameter does not work, requires an alternative attack: - delcomment.php, 48: admin.php ----------- - upload.php, 136: http://localhost/mybloggie213beta/admin.php?mode=upload&del=xss_string - upload.php, 211: http://localhost/mybloggie213beta/admin.php?mode=upload&message=xss_string - function.php, 578 - from addcat.php, 70: - from edituser.php, 88: - from adduser.php, 64: - from editcat.php, 93: - function.php, 602 - from add.php, 270: automatic submission via JavaScript does not work here, requires an alternative mechanism - from deluser.php, 49: http://localhost/mybloggie213beta/admin.php?mode=deluser&id="> - from delcat.php, 48: http://localhost/mybloggie213beta/admin.php?mode=delcat&cat_id="> - from del.phph, 39: http://localhost/mybloggie213beta/admin.php?mode=del&post_id="> Solution --------- The authors have not responded to our messages, so there is no solution to these issues yet. Timeline: February 18, 2006: Vulnerabilities indicated via mwsean at gmail dot com, but no response. March 9, 2006: Advisory submission. References ----------- http://www.seclab.tuwien.ac.at/advisories/TUVSA-0603-002.txt Nenad Jovanovic Secure Systems Lab Technical University of Vienna www.seclab.tuwien.ac.at