MyBB 1.0.3 member.php~XSS Attack in contact details ------- [KAPDA::#36] - MyBB 1.0.3~member.php~XSS Attack in contact details KAPDA New advisory MyBB 1.0.3~member.php~XSS Attack in contact details -------------------Summary---------------- Software: MyBB Sowtware?s Web Site: Versions: 1.0.3 Class: Remote Status: Unpatched Exploit: Available Discovered by: imei addmimistrator Risk Level: medium -----------------Description--------------- There is a security bug in MyBB 1.0.3 software (latest version fully patched) that allows attacker performe an XSS attack. bug is in result of leaving some unneeded codes or some codes that have not any field for entry but are available for blindfolded input... Bug is in member.php file while registering.Some fields that never htmlspecialchar in showing profile process (because they htmlspecialchared while CHANGING{and not while registering}) entered in user detail fields and can accept <>& chars... exploitable fieldS are : aim ~ yahoo ~ msn ~ website source of buggy code are in member.php {382-417} $newuser = array( ....view source for more detailes... --------------Exploit---------------------- /mybb/member.php?username=blab&password=blabblab &password2=blabblab & &[fill here if needed]&imagehash=[fill here if needed] &action=do_register&yahoo=%3C script%3E alert(document.cookie)%3C/script %3E®submit=register me mybb:D --------------Solution--------------------- Not Available Credit : -------------------- Discovered by imei addmimistrator imei(4}kapda(O}ir addmimistrator(4}gmail(O}com Computer Security Science Researchers Institute [] -------