Multiple Vulnerabilities in LucidCMS Author : Rusydi Hasan M a.k.a : cR45H3R Date : April,1st 2006 Location : Indonesia, Cilacap --- Software description lucidCMS is a simple and flexible content management system for the individual or organization that wishes to manage a collection of web pages without the overhead and complexity of other available open source "community" CMS options. HOME : Version : 2.0.0 RC4 --- The bugs There's 2 bugs.XSS and full path disclosures --- PoC 1. XSS a.k.a Cross site scripting How the Proof of concepts ? http://[victim]/[lucidcms_dir]/index.php?command=login'>[XSS_here] http://[victim]/[lucidcms_dir]/index.php?i18n=cs_CZ&command=panel'>[XSS_here] http://[victim]/[lucidcms_dir]/index.php?i18n=en_US&command=panel'>[XSS_here] example :'>'>

Bla bla bla'>'>


2. Full path disclosures in /lucid_phplib/translator.php http://[victim]/[lucidcms_dir]/lucid_phplib/translator.php Warning: opendir(DIR_LANG): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/lucidcms/lucid_phplib/translator.php on line 45 Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /var/www/html/lucidcms/lucid_phplib/translator.php on line 46 Where's the problem ??? function get_languages(){ $langs = array(); $dir = opendir(DIR_LANG); <-- This is the trouble while($name = readdir($dir)) { <-- and this too if ($name == '.' || $name== '..') continue; $langFile = DIR_LANG.$name.'/LC_MESSAGES/'.CONFIG_DOMAIN.'.mo'; if (file_exists($langFile)) { // $GLOBALS['echoLater'][] = $langFile; //troublshooting... $langs[] = $name; } } return $langs; }//get_languages --- vendor I'm too lazy :D . --- shoutz 1. kecoak (fwerd,chiko,cbug,ladybug,litherr,cybertank,cyb3rh3b,cahcephoe,scut,etc) 2. echo staff (y3dips, moby, comex, z3r0byt3, K-159, c-a-s-e, S`to, lirva32, anonymous, the day) 3. ph03n1x,ghoz,spyoff,slackX,r34d3r,xnuxer,negative,sakitjiwa --- contact