Rumors of this bug began spreading on Slashdot and other sites, thanks to Steve Wiseman of who serendipitously discovered it while writing a VNC client. At first it was only a rumor, as Steve's site gave scant details and he himself was surprised such a huge hole could possibly exist in such a widely deployed product. Here are the results of my research into this rumor. In the interests of full disclosure, the following message details a critical vulnerability in RealVNC's authentication protocol. Using the following method, it is trivial to gain access to any RealVNC server without knowing the password. This allows full control of the target machine, with privilege levels equalling that of the user under which the RealVNC server runs - often full Administrator access on Windows desktops. RealVNC is a widely used program which "makes it possible to view and fully-interact with one computer from any other computer or mobile device anywhere on the Internet." ( As documented in rfbproto.pdf by Tristan Richardson, the RFB (remote frame buffer) protocol performs an initial handshake which allows clients and servers to negotiate appropriate authentication measures. There are several methods of authentication, including the standard DES Challenge-Response, as well as an option to disable authentication completely. Due to an incorrect implementation, clients are able to force the server to disable authentication, and allow login without a password. Technical details: 1) Server sends its version, "RFB 003.008\n" 2) Client replies with its version, "RFB 003.008\n" 3) Server sends 1 byte which is equal to the number of security types offered 3a) Server sends an array of bytes which indicate security types offered 4) Client replies with 1 byte, chosen from the array in 3a, to select the security type 5) The handshake, if requested, is performed, followed by "0000" from the server In RealVNC 4.1.1 and possibly prior versions which implement RFB 003.008 (though not RealVNC 4.0), the server does NOT perform a check to determine if the byte sent by the client in step 4 has actually been offered by the server in step 3a. In effect, authentication is moved from the server side to the client side. It is possible to force your client to simply request "Type 1 - None" as the security type, and gain access to the server without having to go through the time consuming and cumbersome password entry field. Here is a typical packet dump: Server -> Client: 52 46 42 20 30 30 33 2e 30 30 38 0a <- Server version Client -> Server: 52 46 42 20 30 30 33 2e 30 30 38 0a <- Client version Server -> Client: 01 02 <- One field follows... and that field is 02 (DES Challenge) Client -> Server: 01 <- Ahh, the lovely 1 byte exploit! Beautiful, isn't it? Server -> Client: 00 00 00 00 <-- Authenticated! Modifying the RealVNC client to exploit this is simple, and other clients can be modified as well. Such exercises, however, are best left to the skilled reader. To all admins, you are reminded to run services like these behind firewalls and through SSH tunnels. And now a very important message... RealVNC is distributed under the GNU General Public License. As such, the complete source code of RealVNC *must* be freely distributed. When RealVNC (the company) received notice of this flaw in their software, they were quite prompt in patching it. Such action is normally worthy of praise. Yet, in this case, RealVNC immediately took down the source code to their software. While this was probably done out of fear rather than malice, I believe it violates both the spirit and law of the GNU GPL. As we can see from the above, it is also not beneficial to security. I was able to rediscover this flaw using only binaries, and a little thought. Allowing for the benefit of doubt, I posted to the RealVNC mailing list, congratulating them on patching the bug so quickly and asking when the source code would be released. I received one reply from another user, agreeing that he would like to see the source, as it is under GPL. Upon returning the next day to check if there were any more replies, I was surprised to see the entire mailing list was deleted along with its archives. This is unfortunate, and it clearly neither prevents discussion nor promotes security. Best, James Evans