[N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST]® Advisory #20
Program : CuteNews 1.4.1
Homepage: http://www.cutephp.com
Vulnerable Versions: CuteNews 1.4.1 & lower ones
Risk: Medium!
Impact: Cross Site Scripting, Full Path Disclosure
-> CuteNews 1.4.1 Multiple vulnerabilities <-
- Description
Cute news is a powerful and easy for using news management system
that use flat files to store its database. It supports comments and
archives that can be organized by months.
- Tested
Tested in localhost & many remote CuteNews
- Bug
1 - [ Cross Site Scripting ]
There're serveral XSS bugs in 'search.php' file, this is caused because
the script doesn't filter right three _GET variables that're used in
some fields of the web page.
To be short, here is the vulnerable code:
Those variables where `extracted' (extract()) from the global variables,
but the problem itself is that they're not filtered. So here we can see
that the following variables allow html injection arbitrary code: $user,
$story, $title.
2 - [ Full Path Disclosure ]
In /inc/ folder, there're 2 .php files that don't check if they're been
called directly.
- Proof of concept
1 - [ Cross site scripting ]
As PoC, here you've some intresting results:
- search.php?dosearch=yes&story=%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert
- search.php?dosearch=yes&title=%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert
(%22NST%20PoC%20by%20K4P0%22 );%3C/script%3E&user=
&to_date_day =&to_date_month=&to_date_year=
- search.php?dosearch=yes&story=K4P0&user=%22%3E%3Cscript%3
- search.php?dosearch=yes&title=">&user=&from_date_day=
Note: magic_quotes_gpc must be off
2 - [ Full path disclosure ]
- Solutions
It's highly recommended to uptdate your CuteNews, but if you want to
patch it yourself take a look at the following recommendations:
1 - [ Cross site scripting ]
Set magic_quotes_gpc ON in your php.ini, but as this cannot be possible
in serveral servers (hosting stuff), the real solution is to filter
these variables.
Go to line 25 and change it to this:
// Show Search Form
$user = htmlentities($user);
$story = htmlentities($story);
$title = htmlentities($title);
function mySelect(form){
function ShowOrHide(d1, d2) {
if (d1 != '') DoDiv(d1);
if (d2 != '') DoDiv(d2);
2 - [ Full Path Disclosure ]
In the first line of 'functions.inc.php' write:
if (eregi('functions.inc.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))
die('You are not allowed to see this page directly');
In the first line of 'shows.inc.php' write:
if (eregi('shows.inc.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))
die('You are not allowed to see this page directly');
- Timeline
03/03/2006 - Vendor was notified about security issues
*** - Vendor did not reply but released a newer version.
- Discalimer
YOU are the only RESPONSALBE of any DAMAGE of above techniques
could cause or any code you have made based in this advisory,
all ideas, proof of concepts, solutions, descriptions were made
only for EDUCATIONAL propuses, use all above information at your
own risk.
- References
- Credits
Discovered by k4p0 -> k4p0k4p0[at]hotmail[dot]com
[N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST]® - http://NeoSecurityTeam.net/
Irc.FullNnetwork.org #nst
Questions? (Eng | Spa) -> http://NeoSecurityTeam.net/foro/
- Greets
NST Comunity!