·= Security Advisory =· Issue: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability in "ViewImage.asp" by Daronet Internet Solutions Discovered Date: 29/01/2006 Author: Tal Argoni, LegendaryZion. [talargoni at gmail.com] Product Vendor: http://www.daronet.co.il Details: Daronet Internet Solutions website platform is prone to a Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability. The vulnerability exists in "ViewImage.asp" file, caused by the lack of Input Validation/Filtering of quotation and HTML characters in the GET parameter "Image". The use of "ViewImage.asp" is done by "Funclib.js". Contents of Funclib.js: --------------------------------- ... function fnShowFullImg(sFile) { window.open("ViewImage.asp?Image="+sFile,"image","top=50,left=50,width="+(screen.availWidth-100)+",height="+(screen.availHeight-100)+",scrollbars");}...After the function is being called, ViewImage.asp prints the following HTMLcode:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...