Orkut Multiple Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities ##################################################################### XDisclose Advisory : XD100092 Vulnerability Discovered: November 18th 2006 Advisory Released : December 08th 2006 Credit : Rajesh Sethumadhavan Class : Cross Site Scripting HTML Injection Severity : Medium Solution Status : Unpatched Vendor : Google Inc Vendor Website : http://www.orkut.com Affected applications : Orkut Services Affected Platform : All ##################################################################### Overview: Orkut is an Internet social network service run by Google and named after its creator, Orkut Büyükkökten. It claims to be designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships with pictures and messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never met before. Orkut service is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting and HTML Injection. This is caused due to improper validation of user-supplied inputs. Description: A remote attacker can craft a GET request with the XSS payload as demonstrated below. When the victim clicks on the GET request the payload will get executed which result in stealing of cookie, IP info, refer info, browser information, clipboard content, operating system info, hardware Info, modification of page or html injection, url redirection, port scanning of the network, and even phishing is possible. 1)Orkut Invite XSS: The flaws are due to improper sanitization of inputs passed to 'continue' parameter in GET request ------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.orkut.com/Invite.aspx?continue=javascript:alert(document.cookie) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Demonstration: Note: Demonstration leads to your personal information disclosure - Login to your orkut account - Paste the above URL - Click on BACK button - Orkut Cookies will get displayed The similar way HTML injection is also possible. Vulnerable Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------
![]() |
back | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2)Orkut Next page XSS: The flaws are due to improper sanitization of inputs passed to 'nid' parameter in GET request. This vulnerability is already fixed 2 days before Get Request with XSS payload: ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=3595989687719502785&pageSize =&na=3&nst=-2&nid=13550271097807907792-%22};%20alert('Xdisclose');% 20function%20tt(){// ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vulnerable Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------ function changePageSize(value) { window.location="/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=3595989687719502785&na= 1&nst=1&nid=13550271097807907792-"}; alert('Xdisclose'); function tt(){//&pageSize="+value; } ------------------------------------------------------------------ Solution: Orkut can improve their filters by disallowing certain characters like " <>/\?&`~!@#$%^*()[]|;:"' " in user input URL. Screenshot: http://www.xdisclose.com/Images/xdorkutinvitexss.jpg Impact: Successful exploitation allows execution of arbitrary script code in a user’s browser session in context of an affected site which result in stealing of cookie, IP info, refer info, browser information, clipboard content, operating system info, Referer info, hardware Info, modification of page or html injection (temporary webpage defacement), modification of page title, hijacking page flow, url redirection, port scanning of the victim’s network, and even phishing is possible. Impact of the vulnerability is network level. Original Advisory: http://www.xdisclose.com/XD100092.txt Credits: Rajesh Sethumadhavan has been credited with the discovery of this vulnerability Disclaimer: This entire document is strictly for educational, testing and demonstrating purpose only. Modification use and/or publishing this information is entirely on your own risk. The exploit code is to be used on your own orkut account. I am not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused as a result of using the information or demonstrations provided in any part of this advisory. --------------------------------- Have a burning question? Go to Yahoo! Answers and get answers from real people who know.