SEC Consult Security Advisory < 20070509-0 >
title: Multiple vulnerabilites in Nokia Intellisync
Mobile Suite & Wireless Email Express (Information
/ Source Code Disclosure, Cross Site Scripting,
Denial of Service)
program: Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite - Novell Groupwise
bundle & Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email Express
vulnerable version:,,
other versions were not tested!
impact: medium
found: 2007-03-14
by: Johannes Greil / SEC Consult /
Vendor description:
Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite is a portfolio of products that reside on
a single server and can be used alone or together to create a
comprehensive mobility solution. The Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite
server provides large businesses with the flexibility, manageability and
extensibility to connect virtually any corporate data to virtually any
device over almost any network to meet both current and future mobility
Note: According to Nokia Austria support the tested versions were a
bundle version from Novell to support Groupwise functionality hence
Novell is responsible (according to Nokia).
It seems there exist many different versions of the same or very similar
product. During a short review of an installation of Nokia Intellisync
Wireless Email Express it was found to be partially vulnerable too.
Vulnerability overview:
* The bundled Apache Tomcat v5.0.25 suffers from an information
disclosure vulnerability which allows an attacker to view the directory
listing and the source code of the application.
* Some ASP scripts under /usrmgr/ list all configured users including
the mail server address with userid (but no password).
* Furthermore it is possible to deactivate all users and denial access
to the system.
* Some ASP scripts are vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks.
An attacker does not need to be authenticated to perform those attacks!
Vulnerability description:
1) Directory listing & source code information disclosure
It seems that (at least) versions v6.4.31.2, v6.6.0.107 and v6.6.2.2 are
bundled with Apache Tomcat v5.0.25. This Tomcat version suffers from a
known directory listing information disclosure vulnerability.
more information:
The original advisory doesn't mention though that it is also possible to
disclose the source code of the underlying applications!
Proof of concept:
Directory Listing: http://$host/;.jsp
Source Code Disclosure: http://$host/en/logon.asp;.jsp
2) User accounts information disclosure
E.g., the following ASP scripts list all configured accounts:
Proof of concept:
userStatusList.asp outputs the following XML data for every account:
http://$host/usrmgr/registerAccount.asp (all fields)
Vulnerable versions:
The following versions were found to be vulnerable:
Other versions of Nokia products have not been tested and may be
vulnerable too!
Nokia Austria support says they are not responsible for the tested
Groupwise bundle edition and redirected us to Novell.
During a short test we discovered that Nokia Intellisync Wireless Email
Express seems to be partially vulnerable too.
Vendor contact timeline:
2007-03-19: vendor (Nokia/Intellisync) notified via email
2007-03-20: no reply hence email to:,,
2007-03-20: sales replies and forwards to
2007-03-20: sending advisory draft to
2007-03-21: Nokia Austria support calls and needs more information
(because they didn't get the advisory)
2007-03-23: Nokia Austria support says the product is a bundle version
from Novell and they should be contacted
2007-03-23: contacted Novell regarding the issues (
2007-03-27: Novell anwsered, SR # 10328518153 has been created
2007-03-28: SR updated, vulnerability should be handled by Nokia
2007-04-02: asking about the status again
2007-04-10: SR updated, "Nokia is looking into the issue"
2007-04-17: Nokia ticket has been opened, no word on it
2007-04-20: Nokia tested "GMS 2" where the issues are not reproduceable
Due to the lack of a "GMS 2" installation it couldn't be verified
whether the issues have been resolved by Nokia. It is also unknown
whether there's a newer version of Wireless Email Express that is not
affected or whether there are more vulnerable Nokia products/versions.
According to Nokia "GMS 2" is not affected, hence an upgrade is advised.
restrict access to /usrmgr/ and manually upgrade Tomcat if possible.
Advisory URL:
SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Office Vienna
Blindengasse 3
A-1080 Wien
Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com
SEC Consult conducts periodical information security workshops on ISO
27001/BS 7799 in cooperation with BSI Management Systems. For more
information, please refer to
EOF Johannes Greil / @2007