:. GOODFELLAS Security Research TEAM .: :. http://goodfellas.shellcode.com.ar .: BarCodeAx.dll v. 4.9 ActiveX Control Remote Stack Buffer Overflow ================================================================= Internal ID: VULWAR200706223 Introduction ------------ BarCodeAx.dll is a library included in the Barcode ActiveX software package from the Company RKD: (http://www.barcodetools.com/barcode/barcode-activex/barcode-activex.html) Such package allows to manage the printing of different barcodes. One of the BarcodeAx.dll exported methods is vulnerable to a stack buffer overflow which can be remotely exploited. tested in --------- - Windows XP SP2 english/french with IE 6.0 / 7.0 - windows vista Professional SP1 with IE 7.0 Summary ------- The BeginPrint method fail to correctly check the size of the arguments that receives, causing a stack buffer overflow. Impact ------ Any application that uses the said ActiveX to control barcodes would be exposed to remote code execution. Workaround ---------- - Activate the Kill bit zero in CLSID:C26D9CA8-6747-11D5-AD4B-C01857C10000 - Unregister BarCodeAx.dll using regsvr32 Timeline -------- June 21, 2007 -- Bug discovery June 22, 2007 -- Bug published Credits ------- * Brian Mariani * GoodFellas Security Research Team Technical Detail ---------------- Vulnerable method. Sub BeginPrint ( ByVal name As String ) We need 656 bytes to overflow the buffer and rewrite EBP + EIP. - Reversing 7C97DF40 PUSH 0 7C97DF42 PUSH ESI 7C97DF43 CALL 7C97CDC9 7C97DF48 MOV EBX,[EBP+10] 7C97DF4B LEA EDI,[EBX-8] 7C97DF4E MOV [EBP-2C],EDI 7C97DF51 MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR [EDI] <--- CRASH 7C97DF54 SHL EAX,3 7C97DF57 MOV [EBP-30],EAX 7C97DF5A PUSH 7C97E11C 7C97DF5F PUSH EDI 7C97DF60 PUSH ESI 7C97DF61 CALL 7C97CC6D 7C97DF66 TEST AL,AL 7C97DF68 JE 7C97E0BF - Registers EIP 41414141 EAX C0040204 EBX 00407830 -> 003E977D ECX 0013ECE8 -> Asc: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EDX 00150608 -> 7C98C500 EDI 00000000 ESI 001844CC -> 00180008 EBP 41414141 ESP 0013EBE8 -> Asc: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Basic Crafted Html File -----------------------