"Oliver is the web-based Library Management System for Schools. Softlink
has built on the understanding of thousands of school clients, over many
years, and has designed a new system for school libraries and learning
resource centres in the 21st century"
-- from
During a penetration test for an educational institution, several XSS
vulnerabilities were found in their Oliver installations. Due to the
test constraints it was not possible to ascertain the exact version of
the product, but all instances that have been tested have been found
trivially vulnerable
Some of the vulnerable input fields include:
1) GET parameters">">
2) POST parameters in search forms
In the Basic Search page, the following parameters are vulnerable:
- database
- srchad
- SuggestedSearch
- searchform
As a Proof-Of-Concept exploit, the following string can be appended to
any of the listed parameters:
3) Username login field:
The application also fails to properly filter the username parameter, as
can be seen when passing to the application the following string as
15/06/2007 Vendor contacted. No response received
25/06/2007 Vendor contacted for the second time. No response received
03/07/2007 Advisory published