Application: Konqueror <= 3.5.6 Web Site: Platform: Unix Bug: Remote Denial of service ------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Bug 3) Proof of concept 4) Greets 5) Credits =========== 1) Introduction =========== "Konqueror is an Open Source web browser with HTML 4.01 compliance, supporting Java applets, JavaScript, CSS 1, CSS 2.1, as well as Netscape plugins (for example, Flash or RealVideo plugins)." ====== 2) Bug ====== Konqueror doesn't handle big cookies, so when a big cookie is sended , konqueror will crash. ===== 3)Proof of concept ===== Proof of concept example : ======== 4)Greets ======== Berga,team soh, #futurezone, #soh ===== 5)Credits ===== laurent gaffié