Wordpress Plugin dmsguestbook 1.7.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
by NBBN 2nd, February 2008
1) File Disclosure
Open the following url you can see the config data of wordpress, with the
mysql-server username and password. In this file you usually have write
permission, so an attacker can place his deface page here:
Vuln code:
Line: 652-655
$handle = fopen ($abspath . "wp-content/plugins/dmsguestbook/" .
$_REQUEST[folder] . $_REQUEST[file], "r");
if(is_writable($abspath . "wp-content/plugins/dmsguestbook/" .
$_REQUEST[folder] . $_REQUEST[file])) {
echo "
$_REQUEST[file] is
Set $file readonly again when your finished to
$_REQUEST[folder] & $_REQUEST[file] doesn't checked.
Another PoC:
Ok, for this you need an admin account, but you can get an admin account with
the follow xss vulnerabilities.
2) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
a) If the script doesn't find the file, php shows an errormessage, so for xss
open this:
b) Another vulnerability:
Find the guestbook page. In the messagefield write [your xss code].
So, if admin go to the admin panel, to show himself the guestbook, he execute
your xss code
c) Again in the guestbook
Enter your message in the title ">[xss] and in the messagearea:
[xss] and enter a wrong captcha-code, you execute the xss code
Note: There more some more XSS-Vuln's.
3) SQL-Injection Vulnerabilities
There are some SQL-Injection vulnerabilites, but an attacker need an admin
account and if he is in the administration-panel, a sql-injection he not