================================================== Layered Defense Research Advisory 12 August 2008 ================================================== 1) Affected Product Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch products OS7000 OS6600 OS6800 OS6850 OS9000 ================================================== 2) Severity Rating: critical Impact: Remotely exploitable without authentication. ================================================== 3) Description of Vulnerability A stack based buffer overflow was discovered within Alcatel OmniSwitch product line. This buffer overflow was discovered within the Agranet-Emweb embedded management web server and can be exploited remotely without user authentication. The vulnerability can be triggered on a 6200-24 running AOS Version by sending 2392 bytes in the http header “Cookie: Session=” This appears to overwrite a return address on the stack giving the attacker control of the instruction pointer. The amount of bytes needed to trigger the overflow varies between AOS versions. ================================================== 4) Solution Fix: 1. Install AOS upgrades as recommended by Vendor 2. Disable Web services on OmniSwitch products ================================================== 5) Time Table: 05/21/2008 Reported Vulnerability to Vendor. 06/27/2008 Vendor acknowledged the vulnerability 08/06/2008 Vendor published hot fix ================================================== 6) Credits Discovered by Deral Heiland, www.LayeredDefense.com ================================================== 7) Reference http://www1.alcatel-lucent.com/psirt/statements/2008002/OmniSwitch.htm https://wws.cert-ist.com/fast-cgi/AV/Details.cgi?lang=eng&action=1&format=3&ref=CERT-IST/AV-2008.333 ================================================== 8) About Layered Defense Layered Defense, Is a group of security professionals that work together on ethical Research, Testing and Training within the information security arena. http://www.layereddefense.com ==================================================