[0x01] Informations:
Script : myPHPscripts Login Session 2.0
Download : http://www.hotscripts.com/jump.php?listing_id=69881&jump_type=1
Vulnerability : XSS / Database Disclosure
Author : Osirys
Contact : osirys[at]live[dot]it
Website : http://osirys.org
Notes : Proud to be Italian
Greets: : XaDoS, x0r, emgent, Jay, str0ke, Todd and AlpHaNiX
[0x02] Bug: [XSS]
Bugged file is: /[path]/login.php
if ($u_invalid == 1) { $errors[] = "User $user is invalid. 3-15 alphanumeric characters required."; }
If the username that we typed in the register form is invalid, it will directly appear in the html code.
So we just have to put a js code, like an alert, and we will get a XSS.
[!] FIX: Filter or validate $user before printing it in html code.
1) Go at: /[path]/login.php?ls_register
2) In User form put a js code. (ex: )
3) Field the other forms, and press register button.
[0x03] Bug: [Database Disclosure]
Bugged file is: /[path]/login.php
if (empty($errors)) {
$newline = $records++;
$e_email = base64_encode($email);
$data = "$newline||$user||$e_email||$pass\n";
$fh = fopen($users, 'a') or die("Can't open user database.");
fwrite($fh, $data);
This cms uses a flat database, a .txt file where it stores usernames,passwords and emails of the registered
[!] FIX: Don't use this kind of authentication :)
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/users.txt
Informations are printed in this way:
user_number||username||email(base64 encrypted)||password(md5 encrypted)