Title: Sitecore web service information disclosure CVE Identifier: ____________ Credit: National Australia Bank's Security Assurance Team. The vendor was advised of this vulnerability prior to its public release. National Australia Bank adheres to the “Guidelines for Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response V2.0” document when issuing security advisories. Class: Information Disclosure Privilege Escalation Remote: Yes Local: Yes Vulnerable: Sitecore.NET 5.3.1 (rev. 071114) – other versions may also be vulnerable. Not Vulnerable: Vendor: Sitecore Discussion: National Australia Bank's Security Assurance Team have identified a vulnerability in the Visual Sitecore Service, part of the Sitecore CMS application, that allows low privileged users to gain access to administrative and other users’ credentials. Exploit: No exploit code provided. Simple SOAP/XML queries are all that is required. Solution: Apply patch V5.3.2 rev. 090212 References: Vendor Advisory http://sdn5.sitecore.net/Products/Sitecore%20V5/Sitecore%20CMS%205,-d-,3/ReleaseNotes/V5,-d-,3,-d-,2/ChangeLog.aspx