NSFOCUS Security Advisory (SA2009-02) IBM DB2 JDBC Applet Server Remote DoS Vulnerability Release Date: 2009-10-16 CVE ID: CVE-2009-2971 http://www.nsfocus.com/en/advisories/0902.html Affected system: ============== IBM DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Fixpak 15 (v8.2 Fixpak 8) and lower versions IBM DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Fixpak 17a (v8.2 Fixpak 10a) Unaffected system: ============== IBM DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Fixpak 18 Impact: ====== NSFOCUS Security Team discovered a remote DoS vulnerability in IBM DB2, which will cause IBM DB2 JDBC Applet Server to exit due to out-of-bound access by sending carefully crafted data to the Server. Description: ========== IBM DB2 is a large-scale business relational database system oriented to E-commerce, business information, content management, customer relation management and other applications. IBM DB2 operates on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris and Windows. There exists a vulnerability in function jdbcReadString() of IBM DB2 JDBC Applet Server. When converting UNICODE to ANSI string, the function uses the length field from the packet directly without validating the actual string size. Remote unauthenticated attackers can cause the JDBC Applet Server to exit by sending carefully crafted JDBC data. Workaround: =========== * Apply rules at the host or boundary firewall, allows access to the JDBC service port (6789/TCP) from trusted IPs only. Vendor Status: ============ The vulnerability has been fixed by the vendor in IBM DB2 v8.1 Fixpak 18. Please download the latest version at the vendor's homepage: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24024075 http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IZ52433 Additional Information: ================== The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the name CVE-2009-2971 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org), which standardizes names for security problems. Candidates may change significantly before they become official CVE entries. Credit: ===== This vulnerability was discovered by Liu Yexin of NSFOCUS Security Team. DISCLAIMS: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS RELEASED BY NSFOCUS "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NSFOCUS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL NSFOCUS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF USINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF NSFOCUS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. DISTRIBUTION OR REPRODUCTION OF THE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED THAT THE ADVISORY IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. (c) 2009 NSFOCUS. -- Regards, NSFOCUS Security Team NSFOCUS Information Technology Co.,Ltd. (http://www.nsfocus.com) PGP Key fingerprint = F8F2 F5D1 EF74 E08C 02FE 1B90 D7BF 7877 C6A6 F6DA