# Title: Skype for Linux (<=2.1 Beta) multiple strange behavior # Author: Emanuele Gentili (Emgent), Emanuele Acri (Crossbower) # Contacts: emgent@backtrack.it, crossbower@backtrack.it # Published: 2010-01-04 # Software Link: http://www.skype.com/intl/it/download/skype/linux/ # Version: <=2.1 Beta (the latest version) # Tested on: Ubuntu 8.10, Debian 6.0 Testing # Special greetz: Backtrack-Italy Community Vulnerability Description: The latest Linux version of Skype (2.1 Beta) is affected by several strange behaviors that may lead to not_very_serious vulnerabilities. We have found: - Denial of Service (CPU 100%) in 'SED' feature - Various and harmless local buffer overflows - QT HTML injection, Pseudo-XSS (c00l and strange) Vulnerabilies analysis: [+] Denial of Service (CPU 100%) in 'SED' feature [+] Using multiple times the SED feature can DoS a remote client (CPU 100%), and prevent the normal use of Skype, especially the voice conversations. After the DoS the program must be restarted. Affected users: all users in buddylist or not, but not people that have blocked the attacker's contact. - Proof of Concept (xdotool required, 'apt-get install xdotool' on debian-like distros): 1) The attacker send a long spaced string: this command waits 5 second and then types the string in the currently selected field... (you should select the textarea of a chat with the cursor before it types): sleep 5 && xdotool type "`perl -e "print 'S 'x44801"`" && xdotool key Return 2) The attacker use SED to rewrite the string. Command: sleep 5 && xdotool type 's/../' && xdotool type "`perl -e "print 'S 'x44801"`" && xdotool type '/' && xdotool key Return 3) DoS on attacker and victim... [+] Local Buffer Overflows [+] Local Bofs when you try to send SMS and call phone numbers that are not well formatted. A BoF occurs also when the string of the previous attack is 89601 characters long. The buffer overflows are caused by an improper use of memcpy(), but don't represent a security hole (just poorly written software...). [+] QT HTML injection, Pseudo-XSS [+] The program accept input text as HTML code in the GUI, without filtering. It's possible to use this behavior to manipulate the GUI of the program even remotely. Affected input fields: Local only: Contact search, Select file Dialog Box, Profile TextArea. Remote (and persistent): Homepage field in Profile. - Proof of Concept: Just type this string in the various input fields and see if it's interpreted: ">