======================================================================= Clain_TIger_CMS CSRF Vulnerability ======================================================================= # Vulnerability found in- Admin module # email Pratulag@yahoo.com # company aksitservices # Credit by Pratul Agrawal # Software Clan Tiger_CMS # Category CMS / Portals # Site p4ge http://server/clantiger/index.php?module=login # Plateform php # Greetz to Gaurav, Prateek, Vivek, Sanjay, Sourabh, Varun (My Web Team) # Proof of concept # Targeted URL: http://servername/clantiger/ Script to Delete the News content through Cross Site request forgery . ................................................................................................................
. .................................................................................................................. After execution refresh the page and u can see that a added content is deleted automatically. #If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me.