Simple Machines Forum <= 1.1.8 (avatar) Remote PHP File Execute PoC bug found by Jose Luis Gongora Fernandez (a.k.a) JosS contact: sys-project[at] website: - About Vulnerability: This vulnerability allow execute a php external file in any visitor of the forum. The php file should have the malicious code. The scope of the attack depends on the strength of the php file. - Step by Step: 1) go to your profile in section of avatar. 2) put the url of the malicious php file as avatar (ex: http://target/poc.php). 3) create a new topic. - [victims] All the people that visit the topic will be infect. malicious file example [steal info]: (poc.php) ------END----- cat hacks.txt Simple Machines Forum <= 1.1.8 (avatar) rpfe PoC by Jose Luis Gongora Fernandez (aka) JosS /***/***/vhosts/ VICTIM: 88.25.92.*** info: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20081202 Iceweasel/ (Debian- language: es-es,es;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 // tested on smf 1.1.8 __h0__ ________________________________ ¿Sabes que la Videollamada de Messenger es GRATIS ¡Descúbrela!