# Exploit Title: GoAheaad Webserver Source Code Disclosure Vulnerability # Date: 5-28-10 # Author: Sil3nt_Dre4m # Software Link: http://data.goahead.com/Software/Webserver/2.1.8/webs218.zip # Version: 2.18 and earlier # Tested on: Windows # Affects: Windows platform only # Code : http://ip.address.of.server/forms.asp. http://ip.address.of.server/forms.asp%20 Description of Software: "The GoAhead WebServer is a fast and efficient standards-based Web server designed for cross-platform support. While WebServer is designed for embedded devices it is nevertheless a fully functional web server and its use is not limited to embedded devices. WebServer's small foot-print and efficient design make it well suited for a wide range of applications." -quote from http://www.goahead.com/products/webserver/Default.aspx Problem: Appending a '.' or '%20' to a URL will result in a source code disclosure of whichever file is requested. This did not work for files in /cgi-bin/ directory when tested, but seems to work for other files/directories. This technique only works on Windows systems, as Windows ignores periods and spaces after files. Sadly this software has not been updated since 2003 and remains public despite known vulnerabilities dating to 2003/2004.