========================================================== The iceberg 'Content Management System' SQL Injection Vulnerability ========================================================== # The iceberg 'Content Management System' SQL Injection Vulnerability # Homepage : http://www.imagetraders.com.au # Discovered : by cyberlog # Dork : details.php?p_id= # Dork : 'Design & SEO by Image Traders Pty Ltd' # Exploit : http://[target]/details.php?p_id=[SQL Injection] # Thanks : r0073r,adhietslank, k1n9k0ng, cr4wl3r,cah_gemblunkz, jayoes,thesims,setiawan,irvian,EA_Angel,BlueSpy,SoEy,A-technique,Jantap,KiLL SarifJedul,wiro gendeng,Letjen,ridho_bugs,Ryan Kabrutz,Mathewsa.k.a Nyubicrew # My Site : http://sekuritionline.net # Channel : #sekuritionline #special to Mama Sri Rahayu, Member& Staff Sekuritonline, C0li a.k.a antisecurity [ pinjem script perl-na ] :), Inj3ct0r Now Brothers with Sekuritionline ============================================== We never die !!!! indonesian Underground Community !!!!! anjing buat oknum Pemerintah yang suka nilep uang rakyat !!! KacrUt I L0v3 U :P Give me NOCAN Brothers :P am nt hacker just Lik3 Syst3m S3curity